[ALERT] The ONLY type of salt you should ever use in your cooking

For decades, mainstream medicine has blamed heart disease on excess SALT (sodium) in the American diet.

But as I’ve been reporting for almost 10 years, ZERO scientific evidence supports that indictment of salt. On the contrary, plenty of evidence links not getting ENOUGH salt with a number of serious harms to your health—including to your heart.

So, today, let’s talk some more about how your body NEEDS salt to perform important and essential biological functions. Then, I’ll tell you about three main types of salt used in cooking…including the ONLY type that I ever use.

Humans have a long history with salt

Salt has always played a critical role in human history. Wars were fought about it. Trade routes were opened for it. And even ancient roads were built to bring it to population centers.

We spend so much time and energy acquiring salt because every cell in the human body needs—and uses—it. Even our tissues and fluids maintain a natural, internal “sea” of saltwater!

Of course, it makes sense that we would need salt to survive…as all life, starting with single-cell organisms, arose from saltwater oceans. Just remember, saltwater in the world’s oceans—as well as inside the human body—contains many other key electrolytes and minerals, in addition to salt.

These electrolytes and minerals help pass along the electrical impulses between the cells in the brain, the nervous system throughout your body, and your muscles (including your heart muscle). In fact, they’re ultimately what allow you to move your body and pump blood into your heart and tissues!

So, now that you know that your body NEEDS some salt in the diet…let’s move on to what kind of salt you should use in your cooking.

Choose wisely when cooking with salt

There are many different types of salt products on the market today. Here are some tips for how to pick the right kind to use in your cooking…

1.) Table salt. Table salt, which is simply sodium chloride, is the form of salt most often found in salt shakers. Manufacturers mine it, like a mineral, from underground sources (often “salt domes”). Then, they grind and process it into a fine texture.

Of course, this process typically strips out other healthy minerals and electrolytes. Plus, most table salt also contains an artificial ingredient to prevent the grains from clumping together.

Not to mention, manufacturers also add iodine to most table salt to help address the widespread problem of iodine deficiency. But a better way to combat this deficiency—at least, in my opinion—is to skip the processed table salt and instead get your iodine from fish and seafood—which also contain healthy, essential, omega-3 fatty acids to boot!

2.) Kosher salt. Kosher salt may seem less processed than regular table salt…but the two really aren’t much different. In fact, manufactures mine kosher salt, like table salt, from the Earth or harvest it from under the sea.

Plus, just like table salt, kosher salt often contains anticlumping agents and other artificial additives. And manufacturers often process it in a way that eliminates other beneficial minerals and electrolytes. That’s why I suggest avoiding it in your cooking.

3.) Sea salt. Sea salt is the only kind I ever use in my cooking. Manufacturers make it the old-fashioned way—by evaporating sea water—with minimal processing.

Plus, it has a few other things going for it, too…

For one, it contains naturally occurring, trace amounts of other essential minerals and electrolytes—such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Second, unrefined sea salt doesn’t typically contain anticlumping agents or artificial additives. Third, the taste is more potent and natural, so you tend to use less of it. Fourth, as Italian chefs well know, sea salt is simply the best source for your cooking!

In fact, the ancient Romans placed such a premium on sea salt, they built and named a road after it called the Via Salaria—which literally means “the salt road.” They built it to transport salt from the Adriatic Sea to Rome, through the Apennine mountain range. (The road is still there. And both my grandfather and my grandmother on my father’s side came from two, little mountainside villages located right on the old salt road.)

So, in the end, instead of entirely eliminating salt in your cooking, feel free to use a small amount of sea salt. Then, if you find your dishes need more flavoring, instead of adding more salt, reach for some healthy spices, like turmeric, cayenne, and even cinnamon. The best part? These approaches are all Mediterranean-diet approved.

In fact, you should also look at adopting some science-backed approaches to help protect your heart, such as following a Mediterranean-type diet (like those who live on the old “salt road”) and reducing stress, the No. 1 hidden cause of high blood pressure.

You can also learn about the many safe, effective, natural approaches to protect your heart—without severely limiting your salt intake—in my Heart Attack Prevention and Repair Protocol. To learn more about this comprehensive online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now!