Alzheimer’s protection from Nature’s most powerful anti-inflammatory

Yesterday, I reviewed the link between chronic inflammation and pain. I also explained how chronic inflammation even plays a major role in the development of chronic diseases — including Alzheimer’s disease. (I’ll tell you more about chronic brain inflammation and dementia in coming weeks.)

Understanding that link helps explain why a simple daily regimen of ibuprofen — the over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug — could possibly help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, as I reported last time.

But I find more and more people want to avoid drugs all together — even old standbys like ibuprofen and aspirin.

And that’s understandable.

Fortunately, you have many effective, natural options.

In fact, as I often report, curcumin — an active ingredient in the ancient Indian spice turmeric — has the major benefit of helping reverse inflammation anywhere in the body. That’s one big reason why I include it in my ABCs of joint health, along with ashwagandha and boswellia.

While curcumin will work for acute pain, it really works wonders for chronic pain. In fact, I even heard from one Daily Dispatch reader who canceled his joint replacement surgery after using my ABCs of joint health for just a couple of months.

Plus, new research is finding that curcumin can also help combat inflammation-related diseases, like Alzheimer’s.

In a new study published by the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, U.S. researchers recruited 40 adults between 50 and 90 years of age with mild memory loss.

The researchers divided the participants into two groups. The first group received 90 mg of curcumin twice daily. The second group received a placebo. (Note: A total of 180 mg of curcumin daily is below my recommended level of 200 – 250 mg, especially on its own.)

It turns out, participants who took curcumin experienced significant improvements in memory and brain imaging studies.

In fact, after 18 months, the men and women who took curcumin showed a 28 percent improvement in cognitive function. And brain scans showed improvements in the appearance of the regions that influence emotional state and memory.

This finding makes sense when you step back for a moment…

Ancient spice thwarts inflammation everywhere — even the brain

As I said before, curcumin is found in the Indian spice turmeric. And population studies show that India — where turmeric-based curry is a dietary staple — has much lower dementia rates than the U.S. and the rest of the western world.

Of course, there are lots of complicated theories as to what causes Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. I personally don’t believe those theories have panned out, as evidenced by the failure of big pharma to develop a drug based on these ideas —  despite decades of trying. They’re looking in all the wrong places…

But the effectiveness of curcumin (and ibuprofen, as I discussed yesterday) in helping to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s disease confirms that addressing chronic inflammation — by whatever means — is key.

Sadly, these valuable insights for preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease probably won’t make it into mainstream medical practice in our lifetime. But you don’t have to wait for the so-called “experts” to catch up to the science. All the tools you need are already available. And I’ve created a comprehensive, step-by-step online learning protocol that will help you put them to use. To learn more about my Complete Alzheimer’s Cure protocol, or to enroll today, simply click here.

P.S. On Thursday, I’ll continue my series on inflammation with an exciting new study that shows you should always trust your gut…especially since it can also help save your brain.


“Memory and Brain Amyloid and Tau Effects of a Bioavailable Form of Curcumin in Non-Demented Adults: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled 18-Month Trial,” The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry March 2018; 26(3): 266-277