Four “divine” foods you should add to your diet

Have you ever noticed how some foods look like human organs? Well, this interesting observation actually dates back to the Renaissance and a scientist named Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (1493 – 1541), who is probably better known by his Latin name, Paracelsus.

Paracelsus is credited with first developing a concept that was eventually called the Doctrine of Signatures, which suggests that a plant’s “signature” color, shape, and texture were created to help humankind with healing. Specifically, he believed that when a plant resembled a body part, it was a divine sign that the plant could heal that part of the body.

The Doctrine also hypothesized that plants found growing in a certain geographic location could heal illnesses present in that same location, which was one reason why colonial physicians from Europe were open to adopting botanical remedies from Native Americans. (Of course, the physicians also observed that the remedies actually worked. And now, modern scientific studies also substantiate these early observations.)

So, today, let’s talk about four foods that reflect the Doctrine of Signatures, and why you should find ways to include them in your diet, starting today:

Flaxseed. Flaxseed was first cultivated as a food and textile crop 30,000 years ago. It was commonly used to make linen cloth before the widespread cultivation of cotton.

Eating flaxseed supports your skin and mucous membranes. According to the Doctrine of Signatures, this characteristic certainly makes sense, as these shelled seeds are flesh-colored.

Flaxseed and flaxseed oil can also act as potent anti-inflammatory agents and help combat fatigue. They also help control insulin response, which may account for why they protect against high blood sugar and Type II diabetes, as well as colon and pancreatic cancer.

Additionally, flaxseed speeds up wound healing by stimulating collagen synthesis. And clinical studies show it helps treat bowel disease, heart disease, kidney disease, and obesity.

I suggest adding a tablespoon of organic flaxseed into your full-fat, plain yogurt or steel-cut oatmeal in the morning.

Pomegranates and persimmons. Even at this time of year, you can probably still find fresh pomegranates and persimmons in the produce section of your local grocery store, as they persist on tree branches long after leaves have fallen.

For centuries, people have recognized these brilliant orange and red fruits as symbols of fertility, since they resemble the human ovary, especially when you split them open.

And we now know they actually do help the body regulate the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. They even show promise for the natural treatment of menopausal symptoms.

Other studies show that deep red, astringent pomegranate juice enhances blood flow, increases vitality, and counters fatigue. In fact, one three-year study found it even reverses heart disease. And in the first three months alone, arterial blockages were reduced by 13 percent. (For more drug-free approaches to improving cardiovascular health and preventing heart disease—America’s No. 1 killer—check out my Heart Attack Prevention and Repair Protocol.)

Just make sure you skip the overhyped, overpriced, packaged beverages of pomegranate juice. Instead, buy whole pomegranates and enjoy the fruit or juice fresh—as a festive and healthy treat. They also make for attractive decorations in winter-time table arrangements.

Walnuts. Walnuts provide perhaps the most-striking example of the ancient Doctrine of Signatures principle. They clearly resemble the composition, shape, surface, and even texture of the human brain and its two hemispheres.

Of course, they also provide rich, healthy, essential fats, which are critical for brain and nerve health. The essential fats in walnuts also enhance neural pathways, which help reverse the changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia. (For more natural approaches to preventing and reversing AD, see my online learning tool, Complete Alzheimer’s Prevention and Repair Protocol.)

Walnuts also contain folate (a B vitamin), gallic acid, melatonin, and polyphenols. Plus, they contain all eight natural forms of vitamin E—not just a single form, as commonly found in supplements sold at big box stores and on the internet.

I recommend routinely working these four ancient, healing foods into your diet to help promote good health…especially at this time of year, as we wrap up cold and flu season.