The First Lady of eating disorders

One-third of parents are worried that the incessant focus on foods in our country may be driving their children towards developing an unhealthy preoccupation with body image. Potentially leading to deadly eating disorders.

And now even the White House has jumped on the food-scrutiny bandwagon.

First Lady Michelle Obama appeared last week on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. And she used this moment in the spotlight as an opportunity to chastise U.S. Olympic Gold Medal gymnast Gabby Douglas for having had a McDonald’s Egg McMuffin to celebrate her victory. This left host Jay Leno  (no model of  perfect “fitness” himself) sputtering in poor Gabby’s defense, that “it’s a good sandwich.”

If there were Olympic medals for awkwardness and ignorance, the First Lady should have won gold, silver, and bronze. A perfect trifecta for her single-minded pursuit of yet another form of political correctness and government control.

Did she know (or care) that McDonald’s was the sponsor of the Olympic broadcasts on NBC? (The network, by the way, on which she was appearing.)

Does she know, as I told you recently (“How to eat like an Olympian—without gaining weight”) that some Olympic athletes burn up to 6,000 calories in a 4-hour work-out? (For the record, an Egg McMuffin contains 300 calories.) And that some Olympians eat a dozen eggs for breakfast? 

Does she know, as I also told you recently (“Breakfast of Champions”), that the egg is as close to being “perfect” as any food can get?  

Or is she just another self-appointed nutritional “expert” who learned everything she knows from the back of a cereal box?

Not every American can afford to do their grocery shopping at Whole Foods (not that you get what you pay for there anyway). And even fewer can afford to have a private French chef to prepare healthy meals for them (let alone at taxpayer expense).

The new scrutiny from the First Lady about what young women eat (many of whom are already deficient in calcium, iodine, and other key nutrients, and suffer from a high rate of disabling and deadly eating disorders) can only contribute to the unhealthy food phobia already occurring in this country.

Obsessive food focus is no more healthy than obsessing about anything else.

Which is one of the reasons my recommended cure for obesity doesn’t involve counting, weighing, and measuring every bite of food. For more information, learn how to get my report The Top of the Food Chain Cure for Obesity. It’s a balanced approach that will keep you healthy, satisfied, and enjoying the food you eat—not fearing your food (or the inane pronouncement from the White House).