The health risk hiding in your old report cards

Now that kids are back in school, I thought I’d share some recent research linking getting good grades in elementary school to significantly lower dementia risk later in life. It’s just more evidence confirming that cognitive activity — even early in life — plays a significant role in protecting you against this dreaded disease.

In addition to keeping the brain active, there are three key nutrients you should supplement with daily, which I’ll tell you all about in just a moment. But first, let’s look more closely at this research linking good grades to lowered dementia risk.

Lasting effects of a hard-working brain

For this study, researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden followed 7,547 men and women — all 65 years of age or older — from the Uppsala Birth Cohort Study. They obtained existing information on the study participants’ childhood grades at age 10, as well as their adult occupations.

During the course of the 20-year study, 950 participants developed dementia. And it turns out, those with the lowest grades at age 10 had a 21 percent higher risk of eventually developing it.

Occupational factors also played a part…

Men and women who worked in occupations at mid-life that involved expertise with data analysis had a 23 percent lower risk of developing dementia. And the most beneficial adult occupations were those whose job responsibilities involved negotiation, providing instruction, and employee supervision — all activities that employ the brain’s “executive functions.”

Men and women who had high childhood grades as well as analytical occupations had the biggest reduction in risk of 39 percent.

In another, smaller study from the Karolinska Institute, investigators followed men and women ages 75 and older. Those who had the poorest school grades at ages 9 and 10 had a 50 percent higher dementia risk. That huge increase in risk held up, even if the students went on to obtain formal education and hold a higher occupational level.

Protect your brain with lifelong learning

Of course, you can’t do anything now about those old grade school report cards. But you can still ward off — and even reverse — dementia with some simple, natural approaches.

For one, strive to stay intellectually engaged and curious throughout your life. And I’m not talking about playing those silly computer “brain games” online.

Instead, aim to learn a new skill, read interesting literature, visit historical sites in your free time, pick up a new hobby, or even learn a new language.

As I reported in the February 2015 issue of my monthly Insiders’ Cures newsletter (“Can you really train your brain?”), studies show when you learn one or more new languages at any point in life, you have a lower risk of dementia. (To revisit this article, simply log into the Subscribers Sign-In section on my website, Not yet a subscriber? No worries — all it takes is one click!)

In addition, take the following supplements daily:

  • 10,000 IU of vitamin D
  • 400 IU of vitamin E
  • 200 to 400 mg of magnesium

For details on even more natural approaches to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s disease and dementia refer to my Complete Alzheimer’s Cure online learning protocol. It includes the best nutritional, lifestyle, medical screening, and exercise recommendations so you can protect and strengthen your brain. Click here to learn more or enroll today.

P.S. Don’t forget, this Wednesday the 26th I’ll be releasing my free report on one of the most powerful natural blood sugar breakthroughs on the planet. It’s taken me 35 years to find a blood sugar ingredient strong enough to meet my standards and I want to make sure you get full details.


“Good Elementary School Grades Linked to Lower Dementia Risk,” Medscape ( 7/20/2015