The REAL cause of high blood pressure? (surprising!) 

In most slap-dash, haphazard medical offices, doctors can diagnose high blood pressure (BP)—and saddle you with a lifetime prescription for a potentially dangerous drug—within a matter of minutes.  

Yet, they rarely pinpoint or explain the underlying cause. And far too often, they’ll label your condition as “essential hypertension,” meaning they don’t know why it’s high. 

But emerging research suggests that an undetected deficiency in one key MINERAL could be the culprit behind high BP—for MILLIONS of people.  

And the worst part? One of the mainstream’s first-line drugs to treat high BP causes your stores of this mineral to plummet! 

Fortunately, you can easily test for—and correct—this common deficiency. Here’s everything you need to know…  

A deficiency in this “forgotten” mineral can cause BP to skyrocket 

Experts estimate that about 75 percent of Americans don’t get enough magnesium daily. And that’s a real concern, as it plays a key role in hundreds of biological functions. Especially those involving your cardiovascular system. 

In fact, research suggests that low magnesium is a MAJOR CAUSE of high BP. But even if your magnesium levels fall within “normal” limits, most people with high BP will STILL improve with magnesium supplementation. 

Here’s why magnesium is so essential for cardiovascular function… 

  • It relaxes the smooth muscles in the walls of arteries, which lessens resistance of blood flow and lowers BP.  
  • It lessens the sensitivity of muscle and nerve cells, which helps keep BP down. 
  • It helps regulate and balance norepinephrine (also called nor-adrenalin), a stress hormone, and serotonin, a “feel-good” neurotransmitter.  
  • It helps trigger the release of nitric oxide, which your body needs to keep arteries open, allowing for greater flow and reduced pressure. In fact, doctors routinely give angina patients nitroglycerin tablets to rapidly open coronary arteries and reduce chest pain. And this old, highly effective, and fast-acting drug works by boosting nitric oxide 

Granted, most newer BP drugs on the market work in the same way as magnesium—by improving blood flow and lessening tension in the arteries. Except, unlike magnesium, they also cause all kinds of serious, short- and long-term side effects. Especially angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.  

Plus, even the older, generic BP drugs have their fair share of problems…  

In fact, as you may recall, I declared my own independence from BP drugs—in consultation with my personal physician—more than two years ago on July 4, 2019. We made that decision based on growing concerns about the cancer-causing chemicals contaminating many popular, generic BP medications at the time.

And even the supposedly “safe” diuretic drugs (or “water pills”) can cause loss of magnesium and potassium (another key mineral that’s essential for balancing blood pressure). 

On top of all that, low magnesium hinders the use of potassium in cells. So, it’s just a vicious cycle. (No wonder taking one of these drugs is often a lifetime sentence!)

As a side note, you can learn more about the importance of potassium in the September 2021 issue of my monthly newsletter, Insiders’ Cures (“One of my favorite foods should be included in your heart-healthy diet—not restricted!”) If you’re not yet a subscriber, now is the perfect time to become one.

Test your magnesium levels

If you have high BP, I highly recommend asking your doctor to check your magnesium levels before getting stuck on dangerous drugs for a lifetime. (There are blood and hair tests for it.)

Then, try taking a magnesium supplement. In one recent meta-analysis, men and women who took 368 mg per day of magnesium significantly reduced both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings in just three months. 

Although that study used a higher dose, I recommend starting with a daily dose of just 150 to 200 mg.  (Just make sure you take the right form.)

I also suggest making sure you boost your daily intake of magnesium-rich foods, including:  

  • Avocado  
  • Beans  
  • Cacao 
  • Fish and meats  
  • Green leafy vegetables  
  • Nuts (such as almonds, cashews, pecans, and walnuts)  
  • Pumpkin seeds  
  • Seaweed  

You can also increase your magnesium levels by enjoying a soothing Epsom salt bath. Or better yet, go for a swim in the ocean, as the natural saltwater contains magnesium and other mineral salts, too. Together with the sun shining down on you, that’s a double prescription for health and well-being!  

Finally, there are many other safe, effective, natural approaches to lowering your BP and protecting your heart, as I outline in my Heart Attack Prevention and Repair Protocol. To learn more about this comprehensive online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now! 


“Effects of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials.” Hypertension 2016;68:324–33.