These five medical myths just won’t go away

The past few weeks have seen an abundance of medical misinformation swirling around social media. Unfortunately, taking it all too seriously has had devastating effects on both the economy and on the livelihoods of working people.

But it’s important to note that the “corona-bug” isn’t the only topic to suffer from misinformation. In fact, today I thought I’d go over five foolish medical myths that are somehow still in circulation (like the bug). But, lo and behold, the science shows they’re just plain wrong.

Myth No. 1: Brain cells don’t replace themselves

I remember first coming across this particularly persistent myth in my drivers’ education course back in high school. I certainly believed it at first. But, as I got older and went to medical school, I came across studies that completely contradicted what I had learned in Driver’s Ed.

In fact, research shows that neurons do continue to proliferate throughout your lifetime in the brain’s hippocampus. (The hippocampus is critical for memory.)

In addition, we know other cells in the brain also keep replacing themselves well beyond 90 years of age. Which is why you CAN prevent—and reverse—Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. In fact, many safe and effective natural approaches work because they capitalize on the brain’s ability to repair itself—unlike disastrous prescription drugs, which only cause further harm.

You can learn about the drug-free, cutting-edge approaches to prevent, treat, or even reverse dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in my Complete Alzheimer’s Prevention and Repair Protocol. To learn more about this comprehensive online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now!

Myth No. 2: You should get 10,000 steps a day

As I reported earlier this year, there was never any science to back up the recommendation to get 10,000 steps a day. Instead, it was just a marketing gimmick to sell high-tech pedometers.

In fact, research shows just 4,000 steps a day may be the magic number for increasing longevity and improving overall health. Anything more just increases wear and tear on your body, bones, and joints.

But, rather than count steps, I always cite the science showing you should get a total of just 140 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. Which means you don’t need to “exercise” every day. And there’s no need to waste your time in stinky, sweaty, dark, dank gyms—or in running marathons. (In fact, closing gyms because of the “corona-bug” may be one of the best things that happens for your health!)

Instead, just get some moderate physical activity outside in Nature. (My favorite activities include walking, hiking, gardening, and swimming.) And now that the sun is growing stronger in most parts of the country, why not give “forest bathing” a try?

Myth No. 3: Heart bypasses and stents save lives

Over the past few decades, cardiologists have performed millions of invasive and costly arterial stents and cardiac bypasses on patients with narrowed coronary arteries. They claim the procedures will improve their patients’ symptoms and save lives.

But the science shows that’s just not true.

In fact, as I explained last month, a massive, $100 million study recently looked at outcomes for men and women with blocked arteries who underwent stent or bypass procedures. It turns out, they fared no better—and often worse—than men and women who got no surgical intervention.

The only open heart surgery that does benefit the patient is the replacement of a damaged heart valve. In fact, a new study found that in patients with a narrowed aorta, replacing the valve reduced the risk of death, even when patients showed no actual clinical symptoms of heart insufficiency. In addition, a new therapy using cardiac stem cells helps rebuild damaged heart muscle by supporting the immune system and the normal healing process.

Of course, you can learn about the many safe, effective, natural approaches to protecting your heart, without the use of ineffective and dangerous procedures or drugs, in my Heart Attack Prevention and Repair Protocol. To learn more about this comprehensive online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now!

Myth No. 4: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

Your mother may have scolded you for rushing out the door and skipping breakfast. But is breakfast really the most important meal of the day, as mom (and the packaged cereal companies) insisted? And does skipping it make you pack on the pounds?

Well, as it turns out, eating first-thing in the morning doesn’t seem to be essential for good health. In fact, I’ve actually been seeing a lot more research lately about the benefits of intermittent fasting (IF) for your metabolism and health. (IF means you don’t eat for about 18 hours.) Studies show it provides the same benefits as constant caloric restriction throughout the day.

Plus, a huge, new analysis of studies found that eating a meal in the morning does not help people lose weight. And here in Florida, it’s quite popular to skip breakfast. Instead, some Floridians fast between dinner and lunch the following day. And remember, these folks want to look alright in bathing suits year-round. So, it seems they know what they’re doing!

Likewise, farmers typically eat breakfast later in the morning, after they’ve finished their chores. (And there must be something to that practice, as obesity rates are worse in cities than they are in rural areas!)

So, if you’re like me and aren’t hungry when you first get up in the morning—don’t eat right away. In fact, try limiting your meals to between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. and you’ll benefit from a longer, overnight fast.

Myth No. 5: “Catching cancer early” saves lives

The mainstream likes to brag about the benefits of “catching cancer early” with aggressive screening programs, which they claim saves lives. But as I’ve explained many times, the science shows that most of these screening programs are just turning up more and more small lesions of questionable cells that wouldn’t have caused harm to the patient…even if they had been completely left alone!

Plus, in a new study, researchers compared the DNA of primary cancers in the colon to DNA of metastasized cancers in the brain and liver. They found that in 80 percent of cases, metastasis had already taken root by the time the primary cancer could be diagnosed. Which suggests that most tumors are destined, from the beginning, to either metastasize or not to metastasize. And “catching it early” makes NO difference whatsoever!

Fortunately, there are dozens of other safe, natural alternatives for preventing, detecting, AND treating cancer. And I’ve outlined them all in my groundbreaking online learning tool, my Authentic Anti-Cancer Protocol. To learn more about this innovative protocol, or to enroll today, click here now!

So, there you have it…five foolish medical myths that you can now lay to rest. (Just in time for April Fool’s Day!)

And to make sure you’re always getting the real facts, instead of mainstream medical myths, I suggest becoming a regular subscriber to my Insiders’ Cures monthly newsletter, if you aren’t already. In it, I always bring the latest, cutting-edge science into the light to help you achieve optimal health. So, if you haven’t already signed up, all it takes is one, simple click.


“15 Studies That Challenged Medical Dogma in 2019.” Medscape, 12/16/19. (