What seeing a ghost says about your health

A 2018 survey found that up to two-thirds of Americans claim they’ve had an extra-sensory experience. And nearly one-quarter say they’ve actually seen or felt an apparition or ghost. (No, not the kind you may see trick-or-treating this weekend!)

That’s a lot of people to simply shrug off in disbelief. Not to mention the fact that people have been reporting these experiences for centuries—across all cultures worldwide.

Indeed, as I briefly mentioned yesterday, modern science now suggests that these experiences stem from your “emotional brain” and may even influence your health…

New discoveries about the power of the “emotional brain”

Researchers believe that if you can sense a presence, see an apparition, or feel energy around a person or place, it may be due, in part, to a highly sensitive limbic system—also known as your “emotional brain.” In fact, evidence shows people with personality types that more rapidly register emotions seem to experience these perceptions much more often.

Plus, as I found while conducting research for my book with Mike Jawer, Your Emotional Type, people with these types of paranormal perceptions also tend to have other forms of environmental sensitivities—such as pronounced or longstanding allergies, migraines, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, or irritable bowel syndrome.

These people also often possess a heightened sensitivity to light, sound, touch, and smell—as well as so-called “sick building syndrome.” (This syndrome refers to when occupants of the same building experience nonspecific, acute health effects, while others feel perfectly normal.)

So, in my view, modern science should closely study what these highly sensitive people experience and investigate what makes them different…

The scientific study of the mind-body connection

The pioneering field of psychoneuroimmunology studies the effects of the mind on health and disease. And biologists, engineers, physicists, and psychologists, including those with the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Army, have all begun to explore the field in one way or another.

In fact, in many experiments, researchers observed “healers” using their minds to influence patients. Likewise, some studies show that when people—especially groups of people—pray for others from a distant location…it tremendously benefits the patient. Plus, it tends to make no difference whether or not the person being “healed” (or prayed for) is a believer. Nor does it matter whether they’re even aware they’re being prayed for in the first place!

On the other hand, other studies show that the person’s belief and expectations they are being “healed” are important. Some observers relate this phenomenon to the placebo effect, which is very real and extremely potent in medicine and rooted in physiology.

Of course, skeptics used to dismiss the placebo effect as being “all in your head.” But now, huge amounts of science show how the mind is connected to the body! So, everything IS in your head—and in your body!

Other kinds of experiments indicate that the human body can actually detect randomly delivered stimuli one to 10 seconds before they occur in terms of physiologic changes in the heart, nervous system, and skin.

This finding means that the human body can become aware of an event before it actually happens. It also confirms that the human body can detect the physical presence of objects that don’t actually touch the body within a zone of “personal space.”

In the end, all these studies suggest that men and women who see or report apparitions aren’t superstitious or “crazy.” Instead, they simply have a highly attuned emotional brain and can simply sense what others cannot.

For more details on these kinds of sensitivities and what they mean for your health, I encourage you to revisit the October 2018 issue of my monthly Insiders’ Cures newsletter (“Exploring the benefits of spooky science”). Not a subscriber yet? All it takes is one easy click.


“Psychic Spies, Acid Guinea Pigs, New Age Soldiers: the True Men Who Stare at Goats.” Wired, 11/06/09. (wired.com/2009/11/psychic-spies-acid-guinea-pigs-new-age-gis-the-true-men-who-stare-at-goats/)