An international panel of experts just published their findings in the British Medical Journal Open that cholesterol does not cause heart disease in men and women over 60 years of age. And trying [...]
An international panel of experts just published their findings in the British Medical Journal Open that cholesterol does not cause heart disease in men and women over 60 years of age. And trying [...]
The American Heart Association’s dietary guidelines have long been controversial, as I have reported for years. For decades, the AHA has had it out for saturated fats, found in healthy foods like [...]
Some of the most damning evidence I’ve seen lately about the dangers of pesticide chemicals comes from Iran. Of course, Iran has been in the news for other reasons this year as the Obama [...]
Summer weather — with thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes — is upon us. You may even feel it in your joints when a storm is coming. In fact, many people can predict the weather [...]
Virtually all human cultures believe living organisms are fundamentally different from inanimate objects. Living organisms have some kind of soul, spirit, qi, or energy not found among inanimate [...]
It’s harder and more expensive than ever to keep your refrigerator stocked with healthy foods from the grocery store. But while it takes more time and money, there is no better investment for [...]
Finally, the mainstream is starting to use vitamin D to treat multiple sclerosis (MS). And doctors are finally admitting that low vitamin D levels increase the risk and progression of MS. The [...]
Today is Bastille Day, known as La Fete Nationale, in France. It marks the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. And it’s the French equivalent of our Independence Day in the U.S. In those [...]
Thomas Edison’s invention of the electric light bulb is probably the most important advancement of the late 19th century. His invention lasted for well over a century and contributed greatly to a [...]
It’s now fully summertime, even in New England, so you may want to gather around the campfire for this Dispatch. In fact, new, compelling research shows “second-hand” smoke might be a secret [...]