In February, scientists who work for a leading vitamin supplier published an article calling for the U.S. to double its Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin E to 30 mg (20.1 IU) per day. [...]
In February, scientists who work for a leading vitamin supplier published an article calling for the U.S. to double its Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin E to 30 mg (20.1 IU) per day. [...]
On Tuesday, I told you no drug can cure Alzheimer’s disease (AD). But one vitamin holds great promise. In fact, in a new study, men and women with AD who took this vitamin significantly delayed [...]
No drug can cure Alzheimer’s disease (AD). But one key nutrient can significantly help slow the progression of the disease. In fact, a brand new study found that a once maligned vitamin performs [...]
On this special day of the year, I always used to look forward to Bob Hope’s Christmas Specials. If you’re like me…and you fondly remember Mr. Hope singing, “thanks for the memories” to sign off [...]
Earlier this month, Britain’s Prime Minister spoke at the G8 summit about a new brain scan to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. The test detects the presence of beta-amyloid protein [...]
Over the centuries, our lives and communities have become much more hygienic. And that’s mostly a good thing. But according to scientists at the Biological Anthropology Laboratory at Cambridge [...]
Surgery is always risky. No matter how you slice it (or how it slices you). And according to a new study, it’s not just the surgery itself you should worry about. The anesthesia poses its own set [...]
I recently wrote about a study that showed people who get skin cancer have a significantly lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). But this effect isn’t just skin-deep. Two new studies [...]
We hear a lot of politically correct sermonizing to “support the fight” against breast cancer. Most of this comes from the non-profit breast cancer industry, which is proficient at publicity [...]
A new study found that people who get certain types of skin cancer are significantly less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease (AD). U.S. scientists recently made this shocking discovery quite [...]