Major League baseball is in full “swing.” And of course, no trip to the ballpark is complete without the constant refrain of “Beer here!” from stadium vendors. Turns out, drinking beer is not [...]
Major League baseball is in full “swing.” And of course, no trip to the ballpark is complete without the constant refrain of “Beer here!” from stadium vendors. Turns out, drinking beer is not [...]
Almost everyone misplaces their keys, their wallet, or their phone from time to time. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re on the road to Alzheimer’s disease. After all, Alzheimer’s is not [...]
If you’re concerned about preserving your mental function, you need to read this Daily Dispatch. It’s the only place you’ll hear about the incredible brain nutrient that almost slipped [...]
I’ve had my hands full lately busting medical myths. (Just don’t confuse me with one of those TV myth-busters who wear funny hats and have a penchant for blowing up things.) Today’s myth: Brain [...]
A huge, new review of scientific literature confirms what we already knew about eating nuts — they benefit your heart. But two years ago, California nut growers got into a heap of trouble [...]
The nutrient combo that can reduce brain aging by 40 percent We all know there are rarely “magic bullet” solutions to health and healing—whether a single drug or even a single nutrient. No [...]
At this time of year, beer-lovers everywhere celebrate Octoberfest. And believe it or not, Octoberfest is actually a very healthy tradition. Essentially, beer is a natural product made from [...]
I remember that awful moment as a new job applicant when I first realized nobody cared about my school grade point average anymore. But according to some new research, those grades did matter! In [...]
A good diet is a basic tenet of good physical health. And it’s a basic tenet of good mental health as well. In fact, as I’ll explain in a moment, you can improve your depression risk by up to 60 [...]
I and other researchers have known for quite a while that vitamin E is important for brain function. In fact, last year I wrote about a startling study that reported that a high dose of vitamin [...]