Go outside and get some real sun

Last month, the Journal of the American Medical Association ran an editorial about the dangers of tanning beds. Until recently, the FDA regulated indoor tanning devices as “class I medical [...]

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Fiber flakes out again

Dieticians love fiber. Diet magazines love fiber. Celebrities love high-fiber diets. They all say it helps you lose weight and keep it off. But a new study pokes some holes in that widespread and [...]

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Blueberries benefit your brain

A nanny-state U.S. senator just launched an investigation into dietary supplements that make claims about helping dementia. And that’s just a shame. The mainstream has nothing to offer for the [...]

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More garbage in, more garbage out

In January 2009, President-elect Barack Obama said his administration would push the healthcare industry to implement universal use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) for all Americans within [...]

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All the coffee in China

For decades, many natural health “know-it-alls” tried to convince people to stop drinking coffee. And, in study after study, mainstream medical researchers tried to find any shred of evidence [...]

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