The only organic foods to buy

I’ve written about the barrage of organic foods flooding the marketplace in previous editions of the Daily Dispatch. And the truth is, many of the splashy, packaged “organic” foods lining [...]

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A dozen ways to avoid Tylenol

I’ve written a lot lately about the dangers of Tylenol–from liver failure to having a child with behavioral problems. Of course, taking Tylenol doesn’t automatically mean you’ll die of [...]

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3 healthier exercises for spring

I was a cross-country runner in high school. But now, I know about the dangers of this kind of extreme exercise. Fortunately, you and I both have safer options. And in a moment, I’ll tell you [...]

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Are You Getting E-Nough?

In February, scientists who work for a leading vitamin supplier published an article calling for the U.S. to double its Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin E to 30 mg (20.1 IU) per day. [...]

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Starving in a sea of plenty

I’ve warned you that dietary supplements remain under attack. The government-industrial-medical complex has mounted a campaign to discredit them. And one way they discredit supplements is [...]

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