Hope you don’t get sick in July

You may think there is a never a good time to get sick. And that’s true. But certain times are worse than others. Take this month, for instance. In the current issue of my Insiders’ Cures [...]

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New threat to women’s health

We hear a lot of politically correct sermonizing to “support the fight” against breast cancer. Most of this comes from the non-profit breast cancer industry, which is proficient at publicity [...]

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Sweet news about fructose

For years, many nutritionists, health practitioners, and even chemists told us all types of sugar are the same. And whether you eat an apple or a cookie, you metabolize it the same way. Now we [...]

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New metformin “side effects”

I don’t usually recommend new drugs. But I am not just another “natural-know-it-all,” who doesn’t recognize an appropriate drug therapy when I see it. Take Type II diabetes, for example. It’s a [...]

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