A dozen ways to avoid Tylenol

I’ve written a lot lately about the dangers of Tylenol–from liver failure to having a child with behavioral problems. Of course, taking Tylenol doesn’t automatically mean you’ll die of [...]

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How many strikes does Tylenol get?

Doctors frequently recommend pregnant women use Tylenol (acetaminophen) for aches and pains. And that’s just terrible advice. Acetaminophen is one of the most dangerous drugs on the market. In [...]

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Watch out for these drugs

Over the past 50 years, there have been some true breakthroughs in medicine. And some of these even came from the pharmaceutical industry. Take a blood pressure drug like Losartan, for instance. [...]

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Mission Impossible?

Greedy drug companies. Fake data. Drug recalls. Corrupt research scientists. We’ve seen it all from Big PHARMA in recent years. But not everyone on the inside has his head in the sand. Take, for [...]

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Getting off the sodium obsession

Of course I couldn’t let yesterday’s coverage of the mainstream’s misguided and much-failed approach to high blood pressure go without a mention of one of their greatest blunders… I’ve warned [...]

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