In 2010, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand. Through the rubble, observers noticed the survivors who used micronutrient supplements reduced and prevented the mental [...]
In 2010, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand. Through the rubble, observers noticed the survivors who used micronutrient supplements reduced and prevented the mental [...]
A good diet is a basic tenet of good physical health. And it’s a basic tenet of good mental health as well. In fact, as I’ll explain in a moment, you can improve your depression risk by up to 60 [...]
Dieticians love fiber. Diet magazines love fiber. Celebrities love high-fiber diets. They all say it helps you lose weight and keep it off. But a new study pokes some holes in that widespread and [...]
According to a new study, eating more protein can help you control weight. Well, I’ve only been saying this same thing for decades. No wonder Americans suffer from weight problems. They’ve been [...]
Today I want to talk about sardines. Yes–sardines. In America, this salty fish isn’t very popular. Except perhaps as a pizza topping for the more adventurous eaters. But in other [...]
Some “health experts” still dole out ridiculous advice to cut saturated fats and salt as the keys to health. But all the scientific evidence points toward the very real dangers of sugars and [...]
Fortunately, throughout the government’s “smear” campaign against butter in the 1960s and 1970s, many Americans kept their faith in olive oil. In fact, in many Italian-American families I know, [...]
The remedy is worse than the disease. Scholars credit the 17th-century English philosopher and “Renaissance Man” Sir Francis Bacon with this keen observation. To the modern reader, Bacon’s words [...]
The 2015 government Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee–which recently admitted the government’s decades-long advice to cuts fats and cholesterol was complete bunk–also made a [...]
If you want an easy way to lower your cardiovascular risk, just eat a handful of nuts each day. And it doesn’t just have to be expensive walnuts, almonds or cashews, as I’ll explain in a moment. [...]