This safe, OTC medication lowers your risk of six deadly cancers

We’ve known for a while now that taking low-dose aspirin reduces a person’s risk of developing colon cancer. In fact, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends taking it to prevent colon cancer.

And further, scientists are now finding that aspirin appears to protect other parts of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract against cancer, too. In fact, a new study has found that taking daily, low-dose aspirin could actually help prevent five more types of deadly GI cancer.

I’ll tell you all about that new study in a moment. But first, let’s back up to discuss the long history of this safe, over-the-counter (OTC) medicine…

Safe relief from pain and inflammation

You may not know it, but the active chemical ingredient in aspirin actually derives from a natural compound called salicin—which is found in the plant world…

Salicin is concentrated in the bark of the white willow tree (and in meadowsweet grass). Native Americans used to chew the bark or boil it as a tea to relieve fever or pains like toothaches, headaches, or arthritis. Ancient Egyptians and Sumerians used it, too.

Eventually, in the late 1890s, German scientists working for Bayer learned how to isolate and stabilize the salicin in white willow bark. And in 1898—eight years before the forerunner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) even existed—aspirin entered the U.S. market.

Eventually, the FDA “grandfathered” it in because of its long history of use as a safe, inexpensive, OTC pain reliever.

Then, in the early 1950s, scientists began to notice that aspirin also seems to prevent the formation of blood clots—which cause heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. (Of course, the crony, corporatist mainstream medicine cabal continues to raise questions about these clear, science-backed benefits…probably to encourage doctors to prescribe more expensive, prescription drugs instead!)

Most recently, scientists have also noticed that aspirin thwarts chronic inflammation—widely recognized as an underlying cause of chronic diseases, including  cancer.

And that brings me to the new study that looked at six different types of GI cancer, including colon cancer…

Low-dose aspirin lowers risk of six deadly GI cancers

This study was the largest and most comprehensive analysis to date exploring the connection between aspirin and cancer. Researchers looked at low-dose aspirin use and cancer data from 113 previously published studies. (Remember—the low-dose intended for daily use is only 81 mg, which is far lower than the doses routinely taken for pain or headache.)

Overall, the researchers found that men and women who took just one or two low-dose aspirins per week had a 25 to 40 percent lower risk of developing colon cancer—as well as five other cancers.

Specifically, weekly low-dose aspirin use was linked to:

  • 39 percent lower stomach cancer risk
  • 38 percent lower risk of cancers of the gallbladder and bile duct
  • 33 percent lower risk of cancer of the esophagus
  • 27 percent lower colon cancer risk
  • 22 percent lower pancreatic cancer risk

The researchers also noted a significant “dose-response” effect when it came to bowel cancer (which includes colon and rectal cancer). It turns out, the higher the dose of aspirin taken, the lower the risk of developing this common cancer. Specifically:

  • A dose between 75 and 100 mg a day was associated with a 10 percent reduction in bowel cancer risk compared to people not taking aspirin.
  • A 325 mg daily dose was associated with a 35 percent reduction in bowel cancer risk.
  • A 500 mg daily dose was associated with a 50 percent reduction in bowel cancer risk.

Plus, the longer they took daily, low-dose aspirin, the lower their risk of developing bowel cancer.

Now, I should note that aspirin may cause gastric irritation and bleeding in some people who are susceptible. But, overall, that risk appears to be very low, if you take it as directed. And this inconvenient side effect compares favorably to other pain relievers, especially considering its link to a reduced risk of getting cancer.

It’s really not complicated

In the end, make sure to discuss with your doctor this simple aspirin regimen that can provide powerful protection against not just heart attacks…but also against six different types of GI cancers. In fact, the study’s lead researcher said if more people took just a few low-dose aspirins a week, it could save thousands of lives each year.

I also encourage you to learn more about the dozens of other safe, natural alternatives for preventing, detecting, AND treating cancer in my groundbreaking online learning tool, my Authentic Anti-Cancer Protocol.

This all-inclusive protocol is the sum total of more than 40 years of personal research, study, and experience in natural cancer treatment. And every solution you’ll hear about has been studied and researched by countless, cutting-edge medical institutions. To learn more about it, or to enroll today, click here now!


“Aspirin and the risk of colorectal and other digestive tract cancers: an updated meta-analysis through 2019.” Annals of Oncology, April 16, 2020.