For decades, mainstream medicine has labeled and treated “ductal carcinoma in situ” (DCIS) as breast cancer. But it does not act like cancer. In fact, as I have warned for some time, DCIS is a fake “cancer.”
For a pathologist to label a condition as cancer, it should have the risk of invading tissue, metastasizing through the body, and causing death. If it doesn’t do any of those things, it doesn’t justify the name “cancer.” Nor does it justify the costs and risks and worries of cancer treatment.
Plus, in a new Dutch study, researchers determined that women diagnosed with DCIS actually live longer than women who never receive this fake cancer diagnosis.
DCIS diagnosis does NOT shorten life
For this study, Dutch researchers analyzed data for 10,000 women diagnosed with DCIS between 1989 and 2004. Then, they compared it to data on women in the general population who never received a DCIS diagnosis.
The researchers followed the women for an average of 10 years. Most of the women were older than 50 years, with a median age of 57.
Overall, the risk of dying from breast cancer after 10 years was 1.4 percent in women older than 50, and 2.4 percent in women younger than 50. (It has been known for a long time that women diagnosed with breast cancer earlier in life generally have a higher risk of death and a more aggressive form of cancer.)
But there were two surprising finds that have researchers scratching their heads…
First, breast cancer was not the main cause of death in women with DCIS.
Second, women with DCIS actually had a 10 percent lower risk of dying from all causes overall compared to the women not diagnosed with breast cancer. In other words, women with DCIS lived longer than women without DCIS.
In fact, women diagnosed with DCIS had lower risks of dying from cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory diseases, and even other cancers. In general, a DCIS diagnosis appeared to protect these women from dying.
Overdiagnosis continues to plague cancer industry
Without a doubt, the diagnosis of DCIS is part of the problems of cancer over-diagnosis and over-treatment in this country. Mammograms increasingly detect and diagnose smaller and smaller areas of “abnormal” cells. But these cells would not have gone on to cause harm in a patient’s lifetime.
Still, the mainstream continues to treat these cells as if they are real cancer. This diagnosis fills women with anxiety, dread and worry. And it exposes them to more needless, risky procedures.
The fact that these women still dutifully report for annual breast cancer screenings (as useless as they are) may simply indicate that they’re more health-conscious and take better care of themselves in ways that really count, like following healthy diets and lifestyles. So the women who get screened and get this fake diagnosis end up living healthier, longer lives as a bonus for being more health-conscious in general.
Other studies back up this premise. For example, a recent German study found that people who participate in cancer screening programs (as useless as they may be), like good soldiers, show marked differences in terms of healthy behaviors, better health status, and improved longevity compared to people who don’t screen.
Of course, the cancer screening industry happily claims credit wherever it can find it, even though the patients’ improved health outcomes actually have nothing to do with the screening itself.
Putting the cart before the horse
Despite the compelling evidence from this new Dutch study, a leading expert said we should keep treating all women with the DCIS diagnosis for cancer because we need — wait for it — more research!
She said the problems are with diagnosis — not treatment. So, until we get the diagnosis right, keep treating. (That advice doesn’t even make logical sense. And talk about putting the cart before the horse.)
Doctors usually treat DCIS with surgery, followed by radiation, which can potentially damage the heart and lungs. Another study presented at the same time as the new Dutch study showed women who received radiation had an increased risk of heart attack.
Having DCIS doesn’t increase your risk of dying, but the treatments can increase your risk of the No. 1 killer in women.
In Canada, Switzerland and elsewhere, research shows that mammography does not save lives or prevent deaths. But it can expose you to the risk of being diagnosed with DCIS — and the worry and over-treatment that goes with it.
If you find yourself in this situation, make sure to get a second opinion from a health practitioner who carefully considers all the science and all your options.
And for more information on other cancer screenings that put you at risk for overdiagnosis and other complications, see my new online Authentic Anti-Cancer Protocol.
In addition to separating fact from fiction when it comes to cancer screening, this protocol also offers detailed, step-by-step instructions on the best, natural, science-backed ways to prevent and fight REAL cancers. You can learn more about it or enroll today by clicking here.
- “Women With DCIS Live Longer Than General Population,” Medscape ( 1/30/2017