I’m always happy to hear from a lot of you every single day, and one of the most common topics I’m asked about is arthritis — and chronic pain in general. That’s why so many of my Daily [...]
I’m always happy to hear from a lot of you every single day, and one of the most common topics I’m asked about is arthritis — and chronic pain in general. That’s why so many of my Daily [...]
Concern about opioid pain drugs is reaching a fever pitch. These drugs are killing Americans of all stripes, whether prescription or non-prescription, accidental or intentional overdoses. So the [...]
This month, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain celebrates her 90th birthday. She has served longer than any other British monarch. Indeed, long-lived is the Queen. I was in Hong Kong in 1977 [...]
If you suffer a heart attack, what is one of the best ways to improve your chances of surviving it? The answer may surprise you. It has nothing to do with drugs, stents, or other procedures. [...]
After two failed, government-funded “Decades of the Brain” big science projects, mainstream medicine is now ready to admit its failure to cure Alzheimer’s disease with drugs. But they have a new [...]
A lot of people have trouble with any criticism of routine cancer screenings. But science is about observing and reporting the facts. Not wishful thinking. Sure — we all wish routine cancer [...]
Most people consider dandelions to be weeds. But today, I hope to change your mind about them. As far as I’m concerned, dandelions are actually one of Nature’s greatest gifts. Aside from their [...]
I know many dermatologists who carefully count up the total number of moles their patients have. They say if you have lots of these growths, you have a higher risk of developing melanoma skin [...]
When I would go to the beach as a young lad in the 1960s, we’d see the occasional man with a moderately modest tattoo on his arm, or rarely, on his chest. Often it was simply an image of an [...]
The cancer industry has done an excellent job of convincing millions of people that they need routine screenings for breast and prostate cancer. But not only does research prove these screenings [...]