Unfortunately, the Zika virus isn’t going away anytime soon. And as I explained earlier this month, its origin and transmission is complicated. Experts around the globe are still trying to piece [...]
Unfortunately, the Zika virus isn’t going away anytime soon. And as I explained earlier this month, its origin and transmission is complicated. Experts around the globe are still trying to piece [...]
This Daily Dispatch is in fond memory of Nancy Reagan (1921 – 2016) who recently died at the age of 94 years, the same age as her husband, President Ronald Reagan, when he died. I well remember [...]
Next Friday will find us in the month of April. And “April is the cruelest month,” at least according to American-British poet T.S. Eliot. Eliot was born in St. Louis, but spent all the [...]
If you’re concerned about preserving your mental function, you need to read this Daily Dispatch. It’s the only place you’ll hear about the incredible brain nutrient that almost slipped [...]
Everyone agrees — the opioid drug crisis has reached a tipping point in the United States. According to the CDC’s latest figures, nearly 2 million Americans over the age of 12 either [...]
A new study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing skin cancer. You know coffee has gone mainstream when government [...]
According to a new study from UCLA, 54 million Americans are perfectly healthy — but mislabeled as obese. In my view, the problem stems from our modern cultural bias against “excess” body [...]
Researchers in the U.K. recently published the largest-ever study on body weight and dementia. The study followed two million men and women over 20 years. And the researchers published their [...]
Today, modern psychiatrists like to talk about the semi-imaginary, chemical “imbalances” that cause mood disorders. They say they can correct the “imbalance” simply by adjusting the levels of [...]
I often warn about the dangers of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine pushed by mainstream medicine and the public school system onto innocent children. And now — a group of mainstream [...]