I’ve talk about the pressure we’re all under to get an annual flu vaccine. But you and I both know your healthcare providers aren’t likely to be content with just one vaccination. They want [...]
I’ve talk about the pressure we’re all under to get an annual flu vaccine. But you and I both know your healthcare providers aren’t likely to be content with just one vaccination. They want [...]
The pressure is on full bore now to go out and get your annual flu vaccine. But as you know, I and many others are troubled by the flu vaccine side effects that are reported in other countries [...]
And the surprising vegetable that can help you slam on the brakes Along with turkey and yams, I encourage you to add some beets to your Thanksgiving dinner this year. Why? Because beets are [...]
The nutrient combo that can reduce brain aging by 40 percent We all know there are rarely “magic bullet” solutions to health and healing—whether a single drug or even a single nutrient. No [...]
It’s not easy being a vampire. In fact, the School of Social Work at Idaho State University recently conducted a study on people who “self-identify” as vampires. These people claim they must [...]
This week finds us right between the autumnal equinox and winter solstice. So the veil between the everyday world and the spirit world is now at its thinnest, according to old Celtic traditions. [...]
The word “poison” evokes images of mayhem and murder, especially at this time of year. However, throughout history, healers and scientists have harnessed the power of poisons, toxins, and venoms [...]
This week, as you prepare to take to the streets with children and grandchildren, friends and neighbors, here’s a little background on some of the spooky, but sometimes medicinal, nightshade [...]
One of the government’s stodgiest organizations–the new Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee–made a big announcement about drinking coffee. They say moderate coffee consumption [...]
As you know–I believe in moderation in all things. But in addition to all the prescriptions for drugs and vaccines they hand out, government health “experts” and many doctors tend to give [...]