Big government = Bigger Big Pharma

Many of Big PHARMA’s patents on “blockbuster” drugs have expired in recent years. And more are set to expire soon. But have you noticed the industry’s stocks are soaring to new highs anyway? Have [...]

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Send lawyers, guns and money

It seems like every other month, we read about another tragedy involving a troubled young person resorting to mass violence. But in all the talk about guns, lawmakers omit one key issue from all [...]

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The power of “placebo”

Harvard researchers conducted a study about 10 years ago that may have you questioning St. John’s wort (SJW). This herb is one of the best, proven ways to combat mild to moderate depression. And [...]

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Not the usual baloney

Food marketing is a nasty business. It has very little to do with nutrition. And has everything to do with creating profitable new products geared to their best customers. Who else but a [...]

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Dangers of newest diabetes drugs

Today, millions of Type II diabetics take the newest class of FDA-approved drugs to control their blood sugar. But according to a new study, these drugs are more dangerous than older medications. [...]

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Is anyone really on watch?

Last Friday I told you about the FDA’s “watch list.” It can be a sham. And it usually amounts to nothing more than a slap on the wrist for the drug company. This appears true with Celexa, a [...]

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Task Force findings taken to task

Healthy post-menopausal women should avoid taking low doses of vitamin D and calcium. These supplements  don’t help prevent bone fractures. So says the government’s U.S. Preventive Services Task [...]

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Watch out for these drugs

Over the past 50 years, there have been some true breakthroughs in medicine. And some of these even came from the pharmaceutical industry. Take a blood pressure drug like Losartan, for instance. [...]

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Mission Impossible?

Greedy drug companies. Fake data. Drug recalls. Corrupt research scientists. We’ve seen it all from Big PHARMA in recent years. But not everyone on the inside has his head in the sand. Take, for [...]

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Something to keep in mind

The baby boomers will face many challenges in the coming years. One of the greatest challenges they will face is the growing epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, U.S. researchers predict [...]

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