Antibiotics and abnormal heartbeats

Antibiotics are overprescribed and overused. In fact, very few people can say they have never taken one. And this has led to the creation of superbugs like MRSA and CRE, as I told you last week. [...]

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My answer to letter from Jean S.

I’ve talked a lot recently about the idea of moderation in all things. And a few weeks ago, I published a Daily Dispatch called Wealthy, but not healthy nor wise. In the article, I pointed out [...]

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This isn’t your doctor

Recently, I reported on the rise of a dangerous, new hospital-acquired infection. Today, I will report on another “infection” growing in hospitals across the country–unethical physician [...]

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Save the soybeans

Recently, a Daily Dispatch reader wrote to me and asked me why I recommended eating a “processed” soy product such as tofu. I was puzzled at this imprecise reading of a term I had used. So let me [...]

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Prevention pills

Big PHARMA used to earn the big bucks by developing therapeutic drugs that people desperately needed. Major breakthrough drugs like metformin. Now the game has changed. Think Medicare Part D that [...]

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