Not just “chicken feed”

This holiday season, we took a little trip to New Hampshire to purchase raw milk. It’s available there, but forbidden by nanny governments in most other states. On our travels, we also found [...]

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Skip the Drugs for a Sharper Mind

Once again, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is back in the news. Only, this time it’s about ADHD drugs and healthy, bright college kids. The college kids now take the ADHD drugs [...]

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Is it Safe to Drink Your Water?

Natural disasters of 2012, although short of a Mayan Apocalypse, revealed the vulnerability of much of America’s infrastructure. Including its transportation and utilities. But surprisingly, [...]

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The doctor will not be in

Experts say there is already a shortage of physicians in many parts of the United States. And many are considering giving up medicine altogether due to their alarm with the coming government [...]

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