Healthy holidays

The holidays are a lot about tradition. And many of the traditional holiday foods that have been around for hundreds of years boast impressive health benefits. Indeed, perhaps the very reason [...]

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Hands off the hand sanitizer

The cure is worse than the disease. Historians attribute the Renaissance scientist and statesman Sir Francis Bacon with that apt quote. And it certainly describes modern medicine’s treatment of [...]

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More bad news about iron

The medical world likes to warn you about the dangers of low iron. For decades, you’ve been scared into taking iron pills and eating iron-fortified foods. But all this extra iron is not only [...]

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Pinching pennies

Government officials (one hesitates to call them “leaders”) are twisting themselves into contortions to try to avoid going over the so-called “fiscal cliff” that will come about in January when [...]

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Vitamin D derailed

In old Vienna, which was a world center of medicine during the era of Sigmund Freud, it was said that the doorman at the medical center decided which treatment patients received for ulcers. If he [...]

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The one that got away

On my 40th birthday I had the opportunity to enjoy lunch with a wealthy member of the board of a major national health education initiative. He was smoking (this was down South) while pouring [...]

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Taming of the flu?

In the November issue of my Insiders’ Cures newsletter, as well as in a recent Daily Dispatch, I told you how the flu vaccine has been overhyped by the government for years. Now it appears that [...]

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