A shot in the dark

Flu season is upon us once again. And so is the incessant drum beat from the government-industrial-medical complex, urging you to run out to your nearest clinic or pharmacy for your annual flu [...]

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The perils of positive thinking

In a past Daily Dispatch, I mentioned how ineffective “management/motivational gurus” and “lifestyle coaches” really are when it comes to really helping people manage the stress of everyday life. [...]

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Who wants to be boss?

We just went through a big election to determine the “leader of the free world.” Arguably, as they say in Italian, “capo di tutti capi,” or boss of all bosses. From politics to corporations, many [...]

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Over the last decade, in frequently futile attempts to stem abuse and misuse of painkillers, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has heavy-handedly employed a number of tactics with only [...]

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Step right up

“Step right up…everyone’s a winner.” You’ve heard the familiar pitch. But this time it’s not coming from a carnival game operator. And the “prize” isn’t an [...]

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How hale is the Chief?

Today is election day. Where, according to the Constitution, we “elect a President in peaceful succession and transition.” But in another November, in 1963, there was an [...]

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Fiscal cliff notes

Last year, when Congress and the White House failed to make any meaningful budget cuts to get the national debt and deficit under control, it set up “automatic” cuts to take place in 2013. [...]

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