It’s (not) in the bag

Bagged lettuce. An overpriced, bad idea to begin with that has generated several small fortunes. All because consumers are too busy to prepare their own salad.  Unfortunately, there have been six [...]

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The incredible shrinking brain

No, this Dispatch is not about the effects of spending too many years working in the government. I’ve written before about how dynamic the brain really is. Far from being constant in terms of [...]

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Weighty matters

Not all obesity and overweight are alike, as my friend and colleague Dean Ornish reminded us in a recent editorial in The New York Times. It still matters what you eat beyond the actual number of [...]

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Oral arguments

Like it or not, when it comes to the issue of smoking…for the past 25 years, the push for regulations and legal arguments have dominated the discussion. And this has often left science by the [...]

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Deep into organic

When it comes to “going organic” these days, there’s one thing you can count on: the government making it more costly and confusing for us all. The “organic” food movement began after World War [...]

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Change of seasons

It’s that time of year when the sun is rising later and setting earlier.  And it sits lower in the sky during its daily traverse through the heavens.  Which means the sun is no longer getting [...]

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