EXTRA Politics Aside

I’m fortunate to have many loyal and thoughtful readers. One recently shared the opinion that there should be no room for partisan politics in professional practices like medicine and science, or [...]

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Getting off the sodium obsession

Of course I couldn’t let yesterday’s coverage of the mainstream’s misguided and much-failed approach to high blood pressure go without a mention of one of their greatest blunders… I’ve warned [...]

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Not a shred of evidence indeed

As the seasons change here on Cape Ann, we’re bidding farewell to the last of our summer guests. And while the weather was generally cool and crisp these past couple of weeks…we had plenty of [...]

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Home is where the remedy is

Travel writers were busy this summer advising tourists how to handle common medical problems without having to find a local doctor or pharmacy overseas. Dave Harcombe, a pharmacist in the UK set [...]

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What’s on the menu?

You’ve probably been to a restaurant or two that has started posting “nutritional facts” on their menus. Some restaurants have taken up this trend willingly. Others—in places like New York City, [...]

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Bringing home the bacon

I’ve already told you (at least twice) about the nutritional benefits of eggs. And how they may be one of Nature’s perfect foods. But what about the other half of America’s favorite breakfast? [...]

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Food fight

More and more people want to feed their families healthy foods. But as I warned you last month (in the Daily Dispatch “Big Food takes over the organic market”), big business has been years ahead [...]

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Clear and (ever) present danger

All of the talk about the West Nile virus reaching possible outbreak proportions reminded me of the frenzy that occurred following the release of the movie “Outbreak” in the mid-1990’s. When the [...]

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