Better late than never

Former U.S. Senator (and NBA All Star) Bill Bradley (D-NJ) was on the morning news recently, talking about the need to work together in Washington to address our impending economic disaster. And [...]

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Something wicked this way comes

Late summer and early fall have always been deadly seasons for mosquito-borne illness in America. More than 200 years ago—in 1793—there was an epidemic of mosquito-borne yellow fever. Witnesses [...]

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Physicians behaving “badly”

It has been well established for decades that the most effective way—by far—to convince a patient to stop smoking is to have their physician tell them to stop. So the CDC is up in arms about the [...]

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Pushing the envelope

Yesterday I discussed the never-ending scientific quest for eternal youth. But short of that, some people will settle for ensuring their genes make it to the next generation. No matter how old [...]

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The real science of anti-aging

With all the hype around supposed “anti-aging” remedies today, it seems as though some scientists won’t stop until we can all live forever.   Right now, Sirtris (a division of multi-national drug [...]

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NIH Revisited

After three decades of trying to accomplish things in Washington, I finally found it was much easier to realize a lifelong personal ambition. Which was to return to the area where I grew up. And [...]

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Hope for some REAL change

The first medical conference I organized on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) was held back in 1991. And I remember being particularly impressed with the evidence supporting CAM for [...]

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Cashing in on organ donation

Speaking of Obamacare and organ donation… According to an article by Dr. Sally Satel in The Wall Street Journal last month, Obamacare has actually added a new twist to this whole netherworld. Now [...]

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Kidney donors get short shrift

I told you about the shocking scandal behind the organ transplant industry. How overeager surgeons are harvesting organs from patients who may not truly be “dead.” (And how the definition of [...]

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