Sending sacred cows to slaughter

Most Americans believe strongly that our “free” and “independent” media is one of our nation’s greatest strengths. We’re also proud of the tremendous importance our society places upon individual [...]

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The deadliest drug in history

I’ve told you how the Institute of Medicine (IOM) is calling for better post-market surveillance for approved drugs. If the FDA actually heeds the IOM’s advice, it may save countless lives. [...]

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Observe and report

And you thought a drug was safe just because the FDA says so? Unfortunately, all too often, the most dangerous side effects emerge AFTER the FDA gives its stamp of approval to a drug and it’s in [...]

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“Eggsistential” angst

Speaking of healthy breakfasts (as we did in Dispatch “Breakfast of champions?”), let’s set the record straight—once and for all—about eggs. I’ve sometimes wondered whether the so-called [...]

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Breakfast of champions?

In Monday’s Dispatch (“How to eat like an Olympian—without gaining weight”), I pointed out some of the meals the Olympic Athletes eat to replenish the tremendous amount of calories they burn. But [...]

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What kind of doctor do you want?

My father was the first-born son of a (legal) immigrant who came to work in the U.S. exactly 100 years ago. My grandfather soon became a proud member and then organizer of the United Mine Workers [...]

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Fresh off the Banana Boat

You may have seen it on the news back in June. A Massachusetts man applied aerosol sunscreen, and then was set on fire while tending barbecue coals. It was big news for a few days. Yet no one has [...]

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The Politics of CAM

The other day I was reading a publication by some “Critical Medical Anthropologists” (“critical” is an academic code word for “Marxist,” by the way). In it, they attempted to argue that [...]

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