More Bad Air from Big Pharma

Malaria (Italian for “bad air”) has been a plague on human populations for thousands of years. To this day, it still kills about 1 million people worldwide on an annual basis. But back in the [...]

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The Spice of Life

The Reagan Administration really was the “golden era” of true professionalism in government health initiatives. We had real health professionals in the Department of Health and Human Services. [...]

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One Small Step for Science

Finally! Some clear-minded scientists are recognizing the limitations of government data on nutrition and health. Limitations I’ve been telling you about here in the Daily Dispatch, in my [...]

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A Mighty Fortification is Our Guide

Despite what we’ve all been led to believe, most people don’t need more iron in their diets. In fact, getting too much can be downright dangerous. I’ve given the inside story about how the NIH [...]

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More Jobs equal Better Health

Everyone’s worried about jobs and the economy. But jobs won’t just help solve the country’s financial crisis…they’ll also help improve the overall health of our nation.That’s right. The answer to [...]

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The Extraordinary 0.01 percent

I exposed the complete lack of science behind the government’s 40-year-long low-salt campaign in a previous Dispatch (“The Great Salt Scam”). And I’ve been warning people for years that trying to [...]

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Garbage In, Garbage Out

There’s an old saying in science, “garbage in, garbage out.” It means if you put bad data into an analysis in the first place, you will get a useless result. But nutritional studies should really [...]

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What’s Old Is New Again

Scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital recently made a big announcement. They’re developing a “new and innovative” approach to treating bacterial infections. Of course, the [...]

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Spy Games

Move over CIA. It looks like the FDA has taken up the spy game. According to a front page story in The New York Times on July 15, the FDA is carrying out a wide-ranging surveillance operation. [...]

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