To serve and protect

I’m afraid the old motto “to serve and protect” is no longer about public safety or consumer protection. Instead, it’s about the government serving themselves and protecting their [...]

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A plague upon us

Something in the news caught my eye today that we really need to weigh in on. According to an article from Reuters Health, it seems we have nothing to fear…except ourselves, our government, and [...]

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The End of the World as We Know It?

There is a lot of concern today about the imminent collapse of our health care system, “as we know it.” Primarily because we’re being inundated with  too much costly, dangerous, and inappropriate [...]

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The World’s Most Expensive Band-Aid

Surgical treatment of heart disease is a “poster child” for the kinds of abuses and excesses I told you about in the Dispatch titled “Less is more.” Dr. Bernard Lown discovered that the “modern” [...]

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Less is More

Los Angeles County Hospital has been one of the largest public hospitals in the country for decades. It’s a big, unionized hospital. In perpetual deficit (just like the great state of California [...]

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The Healthcare Reform Double Fraud

It’s been almost two weeks since the Supreme Court upheld the President’s healthcare reform bill. Plenty of time for all sorts of wild stories to circulate through the media about what it “really [...]

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Setting the (Gold) Standard

Way too much of the natural products industry remains ignorant of historical and traditional uses of herbs and nutrients. Just like the mainstream. And while organizations like the American [...]

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Can Joe Biden cure cancer?

Speaking of the pressure to pour endless streams of money into medical research…now our Vice President is upping the ante even further. Of course, once again, the motives are likely more personal [...]

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Going for the Gold

Mainstream physicians and medical scientists like to talk about the “gold standard” in research. The randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded clinical trial. And it is indeed the gold [...]

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