On Independence Day 2012

I’m wondering whether the current government should have declared July 4,2012, a “government dependence” day instead of our traditional July 4th.  Considering the recent twists and turns in the [...]

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In and Out—Way Beyond Burgers

In California, Arizona and Nevada, “In and Out” is just a good hamburger. But in Washington D.C., being “in and out” means stepping in only to claim territory, to keep Congress and the public [...]

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The Power of a Good Complement

The medical mainstream is so busy churning out new drugs it doesn’t always seem to have time to consider nutrition. Which is a shame. Because not only do nutrients have the potential to prevent [...]

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The RDA to Nowhere

There are a lot of “Johnny-come-lately” doctors these days who have added nutritional medicine to their practices. Thanks, in part, to increased public demand for real solutions. But what does [...]

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When “good” research goes bad

Forgive me, but I can’t help but add a few more points on the topic of my last Daily Dispatch—the Sad State of “Scientific” Affairs of our current scientific “research” climate… As you may [...]

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The great salt scam

One of the wonders of the great American west is the Great Salt Lake. But today’s informed physicians and scientists are wondering about “The Great Salt Scam.”Promulgated, of course, by none [...]

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Tension about hypertension

I’m being bombarded on an almost daily basis by emails advertising a product claiming to “Normalize High Blood Pressure Without Drugs or Side Effects.” And I have to tell you, they’re playing [...]

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