Starving in a sea of plenty

I’ve warned you that dietary supplements remain under attack. The government-industrial-medical complex has mounted a campaign to discredit them. And one way they discredit supplements is [...]

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Blame Big Pharma

In my article on 3/6/14 I told you about a deeply flawed article called, “The Six Vitamins You Should Not Take.” The article appeared in the online version of Forbes magazine. At first, I thought [...]

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How many strikes does Tylenol get?

Doctors frequently recommend pregnant women use Tylenol (acetaminophen) for aches and pains. And that’s just terrible advice. Acetaminophen is one of the most dangerous drugs on the market. In [...]

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Beware of the blood-type diet

Almost 20 years ago, a naturopath made a big name for himself with his now-famous “blood-type” diet. He claims your blood type should determine how much meat, vegetables, and dairy you eat. And [...]

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My answer to letter from Jean S.

I’ve talked a lot recently about the idea of moderation in all things. And a few weeks ago, I published a Daily Dispatch called Wealthy, but not healthy nor wise. In the article, I pointed out [...]

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