This is the perfect time of year to pick blueberries—either in the forests of New England or in the aisles of your local farmers’ market. Not only are blueberries good for your taste buds, but [...]
This is the perfect time of year to pick blueberries—either in the forests of New England or in the aisles of your local farmers’ market. Not only are blueberries good for your taste buds, but [...]
New research links cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to four more deadly outcomes. I’ll tell you all about these outrageous new findings in a moment. But first, let’s back up… I first learned [...]
A new study published last month in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) found short men and women run a greater risk of developing heart disease. This interesting study caught [...]
It amazes me how often I hear this question: “So–are eggs are okay to eat now?” The answer is YES. It’s always been yes. Eggs and many other foods high in cholesterol–such as dairy, [...]
Many heart experts claim 90 percent of high blood pressure cases are “essential,” meaning they’re somehow inherent, inborn, and unavoidable. But that’s absurd. Stress is the No.1 hidden cause of [...]
If you want an easy way to lower your cardiovascular risk, just eat a handful of nuts each day. And it doesn’t just have to be expensive walnuts, almonds or cashews, as I’ll explain in a moment. [...]
I don’t want to keep beating a dead horse–or cow. But I just have to keep coming back to the government’s recent admission that their decades-long advice to cut dietary fat and cholesterol [...]
This week, I reported on some emerging science that should finally crush the old myths about fat and heart disease. But there’s one topic about heart health I haven’t touched much on this week: [...]
My colleague Dr. Kilmer McCully discovered that high homocysteine, caused by low B vitamin intake, is one of the very real causes of heart disease. But the cholesterol cartel silenced and exiled [...]
Yesterday, I told you how the U.S. government based its long-lived war against fat on a big, fat medical myth. In fact, at the time the government declared war on fat 40 years ago, not one [...]