Yesterday, I told you about the incredible Benjamin Button jellyfish. It ages in reverse. And it may hold the secret to immortality. But, as I said yesterday, I don’t know that I would want to [...]
Yesterday, I told you about the incredible Benjamin Button jellyfish. It ages in reverse. And it may hold the secret to immortality. But, as I said yesterday, I don’t know that I would want to [...]
According to the 2014 World Cancer Report issued by the World Health Organization, no amount of alcohol consumption is safe. They say alcohol contributes to everything from breast cancer to [...]
A foreign affairs writer at the Washington Post recently decided to stick his toes in deep water and write about something of which he knows nothing–fish oil. Apparently, in the [...]
The science on nuts keeps getting better and better. Yesterday, I told you about men and women who reversed atherosclerosis by following the Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts. In just [...]
Q: A friend of mine has brain cancer and after a melee of treatments, has developed issues with memory retention. Could vitamin D help improve her memory? As an aside, I started my Insiders’ [...]
I’m generally skeptical of diet gurus and all their gimmicky diet plans. Instead, I think you should follow a common sense approach. Eat reasonable portions of diverse, healthy foods. And avoid [...]
The government-industrial-medical complex has a clear agenda when it comes to breast cancer. It makes sure you know about every politically correct, potential (but yet-to-be-proven) risk factor [...]
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) try to tell us we can get over the flu faster by taking the antiviral drug Tamiflu (oseltamivir). They say the drug [...]
By now you know processed “white foods” are unhealthy. For example, white sugar, white flour, and white rice are all “empty calories.” You certainly don’t find them in nature. And you certainly [...]
Over 20 years ago, I attended a big government event in Washington, D.C. where science bureaucrats announced the “Decade of the Brain.” At the event, they claimed we would conquer brain and [...]