Misconceptions abound when it comes to soy. Is it healthy? Is it dangerous? Are some forms safe? Even so-called health and nutrition experts get it wrong. For example, this week at the grocery [...]
Misconceptions abound when it comes to soy. Is it healthy? Is it dangerous? Are some forms safe? Even so-called health and nutrition experts get it wrong. For example, this week at the grocery [...]
Recently, a Daily Dispatch reader wrote to me and asked me why I recommended eating a “processed” soy product such as tofu. I was puzzled at this imprecise reading of a term I had used. So let me [...]
We always hear that if you’re overweight, you run a greater risk for developing Type II diabetes as an adult. Experts also say that carrying excess weight is the main cause of adult-onset [...]
Food marketing is a nasty business. It has very little to do with nutrition. And has everything to do with creating profitable new products geared to their best customers. Who else but a [...]
It’s politically correct to say a diet high in fat and calories “should” lead to obesity and diabetes. But is it true? Many scientific studies do not demonstrate this cause-and-effect- [...]
You may not know it, but in 1990, the U.S. government officially set out to increase our lifespans…no matter the cost or the toll. Of course, unfortunately, they never achieved that goal–at [...]
You probably made a New Year’s resolution to shed some extra pounds in 2013. Well, put down those carrot and celery sticks. Here comes a new study from the CDC National Center for Health [...]
Bagged lettuce. An overpriced, bad idea to begin with that has generated several small fortunes. All because consumers are too busy to prepare their own salad. Unfortunately, there have been six [...]
Not all obesity and overweight are alike, as my friend and colleague Dean Ornish reminded us in a recent editorial in The New York Times. It still matters what you eat beyond the actual number of [...]
Of course I couldn’t let yesterday’s coverage of the mainstream’s misguided and much-failed approach to high blood pressure go without a mention of one of their greatest blunders… I’ve warned [...]