Don’t be a soy loser

Misconceptions abound when it comes to soy. Is it healthy? Is it dangerous? Are some forms safe? Even so-called health and nutrition experts get it wrong. For example, this week at the grocery [...]

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Save the soybeans

Recently, a Daily Dispatch reader wrote to me and asked me why I recommended eating a “processed” soy product such as tofu. I was puzzled at this imprecise reading of a term I had used. So let me [...]

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Not the usual baloney

Food marketing is a nasty business. It has very little to do with nutrition. And has everything to do with creating profitable new products geared to their best customers. Who else but a [...]

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It’s (not) in the bag

Bagged lettuce. An overpriced, bad idea to begin with that has generated several small fortunes. All because consumers are too busy to prepare their own salad.  Unfortunately, there have been six [...]

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Weighty matters

Not all obesity and overweight are alike, as my friend and colleague Dean Ornish reminded us in a recent editorial in The New York Times. It still matters what you eat beyond the actual number of [...]

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Getting off the sodium obsession

Of course I couldn’t let yesterday’s coverage of the mainstream’s misguided and much-failed approach to high blood pressure go without a mention of one of their greatest blunders… I’ve warned [...]

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