What’s on the menu?

You’ve probably been to a restaurant or two that has started posting “nutritional facts” on their menus. Some restaurants have taken up this trend willingly. Others—in places like New York City, [...]

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Bringing home the bacon

I’ve already told you (at least twice) about the nutritional benefits of eggs. And how they may be one of Nature’s perfect foods. But what about the other half of America’s favorite breakfast? [...]

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The real science of anti-aging

With all the hype around supposed “anti-aging” remedies today, it seems as though some scientists won’t stop until we can all live forever.   Right now, Sirtris (a division of multi-national drug [...]

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“Eggsistential” angst

Speaking of healthy breakfasts (as we did in Dispatch “Breakfast of champions?”), let’s set the record straight—once and for all—about eggs. I’ve sometimes wondered whether the so-called [...]

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One Small Step for Science

Finally! Some clear-minded scientists are recognizing the limitations of government data on nutrition and health. Limitations I’ve been telling you about here in the Daily Dispatch, in my [...]

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A Mighty Fortification is Our Guide

Despite what we’ve all been led to believe, most people don’t need more iron in their diets. In fact, getting too much can be downright dangerous. I’ve given the inside story about how the NIH [...]

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