The Extraordinary 0.01 percent

I exposed the complete lack of science behind the government’s 40-year-long low-salt campaign in a previous Dispatch (“The Great Salt Scam”). And I’ve been warning people for years that trying to [...]

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Garbage In, Garbage Out

There’s an old saying in science, “garbage in, garbage out.” It means if you put bad data into an analysis in the first place, you will get a useless result. But nutritional studies should really [...]

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The Power of a Good Complement

The medical mainstream is so busy churning out new drugs it doesn’t always seem to have time to consider nutrition. Which is a shame. Because not only do nutrients have the potential to prevent [...]

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The RDA to Nowhere

There are a lot of “Johnny-come-lately” doctors these days who have added nutritional medicine to their practices. Thanks, in part, to increased public demand for real solutions. But what does [...]

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