Safe, natural approaches to combat brain disorders

Q: I am a recent subscriber and am enjoying your newsletters very much, as well as learning valuable information. I have a 25-year-old son who I believe has some Asperger’s/autistic tendencies as well as depression, and he’s also possibly bipolar. Do you have any suggestions/recommendations on what I can do for my son? Thank you very much.  T.C., Midland, TX

Dr. Micozzi: First, the debate is raging again about whether or not childhood vaccination is causing or contributing to the epidemic of autism spectrum disorders. I have participated in Congressional hearings on this topic and there were strong views on both sides.

Recent research finds that giving acetaminophen (Tylenol)—which is dangerous in any case—to prevent fevers before or after vaccinations could actually be the real culprit.[1]1 Either way, excessive vaccination can cause various problems and some vaccines, such as those for flu or HPV, just don’t make sense in any case.  Doctors are not supposed to give vaccines to a child with fever, so they conveniently get around this good-sense recommendation by suppressing any possible fever with this toxic chemical.

In terms of what you can do to help improve or manage autistic tendencies and related concerns, there is good evidence for the benefits of basic dietary supplementation. Vitamin D is a powerhouse for brain performance and for balancing mood. I recommend 5,000 IU per day, and all the real science supports that recommendation.

Vitamin D is available in an easy-to-use liquid form with or without astaxanthin, a powerful carotenoid from marine sources. Another carotenoid called lutein, which I helped discover in the 1980s, also has been shown to have brain benefits. I recommend 12 mg per day.

In Europe, the B vitamins are known as “neuro-vitamins.” I’ve found that many people, especially vegetarians, are deficient in these brain-boosting nutrients.  In particular, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is important. People with autism spectrum disorder often do well with higher intakes of B6 (at least 50 mg a day).

And doctors have known for a century that magnesium appears to help patients with depression. I recommend 200 mg a day.

[1] “Evidence that increased acetaminophen use in genetically vulnerable children appears to be a major cause of the epidemics of autism, attention deficit with hyperactivity, and asthma.” Journal of Restorative Medicine 2013; 2(1): 14-29