8 tips for caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s

Last month, I heard from some readers who’ve had remarkable progress in reversing dementia in just two months by following my Complete Alzheimer’s Cure online learning protocol.

I am so pleased.

The failures of mainstream research and drug treatments have contributed to a building crisis — with 5.3 million Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s disease (AD) today. Of these, 5.1 million are older than 65. That’s one in nine older Americans. Two-thirds are women and one-third are men. Of course, women also live longer than men on average.

Plus, experts project a 40 percent increase in AD to 7.1 million Americans by 2025.  Fortunately, you can and should take natural steps to prevent and reverse AD based on published scientific research.

I am in touch with physician colleagues in natural medicine from around the country who use the general AD protocol published two years ago by UCLA Medical Center.

As you know, in my Complete Alzheimer’s Cure protocol I made some additions and adjustments to the UCLA protocol, based on additional published research over the years. Plus, as I always say, every patient is an individual and should be treated like one. And my physician colleagues tell me they get even better results by doing individual clinical evaluations and adjusting, adding or modifying some of the steps in the protocol. (Which is one of the reasons you should always work with a doctor any time you undertake a treatment regimen, even if it’s based on natural therapies.)

Caring for the caregivers

In addition to providing the tools to help the patients with AD, we should also focus on helping the incredible caregivers. Taking care of AD patients takes a tremendous toll. In fact, 15 million Americans give unpaid care to people with AD or dementia valued at more than $230 billion per year.

If you care for a person with Alzheimer’s, these eight tips will help make your day-to-day life a little more manageable:

  1. Do one thing at a time

I often say, “keep it simple.” Take things one step at a time, one day at a time, or even hour by hour. As Jesus stated in the New Testament, “for the evil of the day is sufficient unto itself.”

  1. Be clear

Use simple, clear directives. When preparing a bath for a family member with AD, be as clear and specific as possible. Say “your bath is ready. Please step into it.”  Not just “hop in.” When making coffee, say “your coffee is ready. Please take the cup.” Not just, “here it is” or “here you are.”

  1. Be patient

Alzheimer’s care requires incredible patience, since even simple tasks will take longer.

  1. Provide answers

Provide answers, not questions. Instead of asking, “do you need to use the bathroom?” Just say, the “bathroom is right there,” while pointing to it.

  1. Reduce distractions to focus on the task at hand

People with AD should not have to hear different sounds and voices from different people. Turn off the TV and shut down the computer. Don’t answer the phone. If more than one person is around, let one person speak and give any instructions.

  1. Plan wisely

Plan to accomplish more complex or difficult tasks first, such as bathing or visiting the doctor, during the time of day when your charge is typically the most calm and reliable.

  1. Stay flexible

Be flexible about rules when you can. You need to bend, so the situation doesn’t break down. If your charge refuses to eat what had been his or her favorite food, try something else on the menu. If he or she insists on wearing the same clothes every day, buy a few copies of the same clothing, and quietly switch out the clean for the dirty while bathing. If she or he doesn’t want to bathe every day, go on a different schedule, like every other day. If he or she refuses to do something, leave it alone for a while and come back with it later.

  1. Be present

People with dementia live in the moment. So — you must also learn to be present in the moment yourself as a caregiver.

Learn how to practice mindfulness meditation, even the midst of your busy life and everyday distractions. It will help you stay in the moment. And you don’t have to enter a Buddhist monastery to gain the benefits.


To learn more, please read my book with Don McCown, New World Mindfulness.



“2017 Alzheimer’s Disease facts and figures,” Alzheimer’s Association (www.alz.org)