If you suffer from high blood pressure, your doctor probably encourages you to lose some weight or get some exercise. Maybe they’ve even hounded you about cutting out salt and fat (which is a completely useless—and even dangerous—approach).
But chances are, they’ve never brought up one of the BIGGEST culprits of high blood pressure…
Prescription drugs!
And that’s a shame, because according to a shocking, new study, 2.2 million people in the U.S. diagnosed with high blood pressure take at least one prescription drug that’s KNOWN TO CAUSE the condition. Meaning if they were to simply stop taking just one of these drug culprits, their blood pressure problems might completely VANISH!
So, let’s jump right in and get this critical information into your hands.
Then, I’ll tell you about my simple, drug-free suggestions to keep your blood pressure under control, naturally…
Four types of prescription drugs linked to high BP
U.S. researchers presented these shocking findings about high blood pressure at the American College of Cardiology’s annual conference in May 2021. For the analysis, they looked at data on more than 27,000 adults who are part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).
Nearly half of the survey participants had a blood pressure reading above 130/80 mmHg, or reported being diagnosed by a doctor with high blood pressure. Of that group, nearly 19 percent of them took one (or more) prescription drugs known to cause high blood pressure. And more than three percent of them used three or more prescription drugs known to cause it!
The prescription drugs KNOWN TO CAUSE high blood pressure that were taken by people in the analysis included:
- All classes of antidepressant drugs (taken by 9 percent of people with high blood pressure)
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (taken by 6 percent of people with high blood pressure)
- Steroids (taken by 2 percent of people with high blood pressure)
- Estrogens (taken by 2 percent of people with high blood pressure)
Furthermore, the researchers estimated that if half the Americans with high blood pressure stopped taking JUST ONE of these culprit medications, up to 2.2 million people could get their blood pressure completely under control.
Antidepressants pose a particular problem
I found it particularly alarming that prescription antidepressant drugs—which includes monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), tricyclic drugs, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)—topped the list of offenders, with 9 percent of study participants with high blood pressure taking them. (And beyond the parameters of this study, one in six adults in the U.S. take a prescription antidepressant.)
Of course, as I often report, antidepressant drugs like SSRIs just don’t work for most people. Worse yet, they can cause great harm because they don’t address the root causes of depression. Plus, they cause a whole host of terrible side effects, including suicide (and now high blood pressure).
So, I suppose if they don’t kill you quickly, they may do it slowly…
Whatever happened to “First, do no harm”?
Clearly, prescribing any drug that can increase blood pressure creates a cascade of other problems. Including the need to prescribe yet more drugs!
The situation makes me think of Aesculapius’ staff, with a snake winding around it, which has symbolized the field of medicine and healing for thousands of years. Except when it comes to how the mainstream treats high blood pressure, it appears the snake is chasing its tail and ultimately trying to swallow it. (While the doctors are chasing, and the patients are swallowing, more and more drugs!)
Fortunately, you have many safe, effective options for dealing with depression (and anxiety) without using harmful drugs. For example, back in March I reported on six “DIY” steps for combatting depression, which actually includes some moderate alcohol consumption. (A wealth of evidence shows moderate drinking may actually lift your spirits better—and faster—than a fast-acting antidepressant!) Of course, you should always talk with your doctor first before stopping, or even adjusting, your medications—to ensure you are able to do so, safely.
And when it comes to drug-free approaches to controlling high blood pressure, I suggest you check out my new report on barberry, an amazing plant extract from Asia that “significantly” reduces both diastolic and systolic blood pressure readings in just eight weeks!
You should also try to find a good internal medicine doctor who listens, takes time with you, and stays up-to-date with the science. They’re far less likely than your typical cardiologist to push dangerous drugs that can cause high blood pressure.
In addition, you can learn about the many safe, effective, natural approaches to protect your heart, without the use of ineffective and dangerous procedures or drugs, in my Heart Attack Prevention and Repair Protocol. To learn more about this comprehensive online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now!
“Session 1060 – Hypertension Management: Insights and Opportunities: 1060-09 – USE AND ESTIMATED IMPACT OF MEDICATIONS THAT RAISE BLOOD PRESSURE AMONG US ADULTS WITH HYPERTENSION: NATIONAL CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY,” American College of Cardiology, 5/16/21. (abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/9228/presentation/12688)