Could the latest vaccines actually spread the flu?

The annual flu season is in full swing. And I’m sure you’re still hearing all kinds of recommendations about the best ways to protect yourself — including the predictable mantra, “It’s not too late to get your flu shot.”

Of course, as I’ve often said, the flu vaccine just isn’t effective — period. You’re better off focusing on other ways to protect yourself against the annual epidemic. In fact, I most recently wrote about this approach in the September 2018 issue of my monthly Insiders’ Cures newsletter (“The deadly dangers of flu vaccinations”).

Plus, a new U.S. study found that getting the flu vaccine actually increases your contagiousness, if and when you do indeed end up contracting the virus anyway.

I’ll tell you all about that alarming study in a moment. But first, let’s take a look at what to avoid if you want to steer clear of the annual flu virus…

New understanding about how flu spreads

We’ve known for a long time that you can catch a cold or flu virus by touching contaminated surfaces (such as doorknobs, countertops, pens, and credit card touch screens) and then touching your face, eyes, nose, or mouth. (I’ll tell you about another unsuspecting, dangerous surface to avoid on Thursday — so stay tuned!)

I always advise you to avoid contamination from these surfaces with simple soap and water (NOT probiotic-stripping “antibacterial” hand sanitizers) whenever possible. When you can’t wash your hands after exposure to them, carry alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

But we now know the flu virus can also spread through aerosol transmission. Which means you can catch it by inhaling droplets expelled into the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or even just breathes near you!

This so-called “aerosol shedding” sends little bits of the active, infectious virus into the air around you.

Granted, we don’t know exactly how much of the virus is put into the air after an infected person exhales. Nor do we know exactly how infectious it is. And this lack of a precise understanding fuels the debate about how much airborne transmission contributes to the spread of the flu.

But do know this…

The flu vaccine increases “aerosol shedding” by more than 600 percent

Recently, researchers with the University of Maryland (UMD) in Baltimore found that people who get repeated flu vaccinations expel more infectious flu particles into the air — just by breathing.

In fact, participants who received flu vaccinations both in the current and previous year released 6.3-times more flu particles into the air than those who didn’t get the vaccine!

And this finding wasn’t just a fluke…

In the new study I mentioned earlier, researchers with the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York came to similar conclusions…

The researchers studied students with confirmed cases of the flu virus. Specifically, they took nasal swabs and 30-minute breath samples to check for the presence of infectious flu particles.

They found infectious particles in 89 percent of the nasal swabs and 39 percent of the breath samples. Plus, they found that students with the flu rarely sneezed. (Sneezing is more typical of a cold virus.) And sneezing and coughing weren’t even necessary to transmit the flu particles. Simply breathing was enough to spread the virus.

And just like the UMD study, students who received the flu shot in both the current and the previous year were more likely to expel infectious flu particles while breathing. Which, again, means getting the flu vaccine clearly increases a person’s viral shedding when they do get the flu. (And, of course, the useless vaccine doesn’t keep them from getting it.)

So, as it turns out, the flu vaccine is fueling the flames of this annual epidemic.

Another disaster from the flu shot industry

Ironically, despite these clear findings, the Mt. Sinai researchers would conclude that the importance of direct contact versus aerosol transmission remains controversial. And they failed to recommend against the vaccine.

It’s mind-blowing, really.

Despite these crystal clear findings — now, from two different distinguished centers of research —the academic-industrial-medical complex still bullies us to get the annual flu shot. Some hospitals even require all employees (whether with patient contact, or not) to get the flu shot — or get fired. They say, even if we aren’t concerned for ourselves, we still have an obligation to get the flu shot “to protect others.”

Wrong again.

Not only do millions of people who get the shot end up getting the flu anyway, but these dutiful people also end up transmitting more of the active flu virus to others through the air, as the new evidence now shows!

And worse yet, since the flu vaccine is hardly effective, it increases risk for everyone — whether or not you get it yourself.

The bottom line here is that, yes, the flu vaccine increases flu risk.

And when it comes right down to it, we actually need protection from the flu vaccine…and from the draconian, jack-booted policies that force you to get one.

What a travesty and a tragedy.

P.S. Tune back in on Thursday for my special report on another concerning source of infections, so you can protect both yourself and your loved ones.


“Infectious virus in exhaled breath of symptomatic seasonal influenza cases from a college community,” PNAS, January 30, 2018; 115(5); 1081-1086