American physicians finally speak out about these common, dangerous drugs for men

I recently read that the American College of Physicians (ACP) has finally come out against the use of low testosterone drugs—often called “Low-T” drugs—in men.

The ACP represents roughly 100,000 internal medicine physicians. And they’re the doctors whom I recommend you see, as they generally look at the whole patient. (By comparison, the over-specialized, under-educated “specialists” only recognize and treat a symptom if it falls in their “specialized” area.)

So, while I’m glad to see this organization of competent physicians finally came to its senses about Low-T drugs, I have to wonder…what took them so long?

I’ve been speaking out about the dangers of these drugs since they first hit the market years ago. For one, as any biology 101 student would know, messing with the body’s natural processes never ends well. Let me explain what I mean…

Don’t mess with Nature’s plan

Young men need testosterone (just as women need estrogen) to procreate. Ultimately, these powerful hormones allow for the survival of our species.

In men, testosterone regulates sex drive, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and the production of red blood cells and sperm. In women, estrogen regulates the menstrual cycle.

But as we get older, these hormones naturally decline. And Robert McLean, M.D., President of the ACP, simply stated, as I always do, that decline of testosterone with age is normal!

In fact, according to the ACP, 20 percent of men older than 60, 30 percent of men older than 70, and 50 percent of men older than 80 have low testosterone. Clearly, it’s a natural, age-related decline.

And this decline may actually be Nature’s way of protecting men against blood clots, heart disease, and prostate cancers.

Of course, that biological fact didn’t stop big pharma from trying to make billions by attempting to thwart this natural process…

Big pharma invents a fake disease

Years ago, big pharma began trying to convince men (and their doctors) that low testosterone was something that should be “fixed” with their so-called Low-T drugs.

They also invented a condition they called “male menopause,” which has more to do with selling drugs than scientific research. And in their annoying commercials, they promised their drugs would reverse its symptoms—which they said included dampened libido, depression, dulled memory and thinking, fatigue, muscle loss, or weakness.

Well, the strategy seemed to worked…for a while, at least.

Between 2009 and 2013, the number of men taking Low-T drugs skyrocketed from 1.3 million to 2.3 million. (The numbers seem to have gone back down in recent years.)

But most of the men from that era who took Low-T drugs never underwent blood testing or received an actual medical diagnosis of low testosterone. Instead, most of them took the drugs in a failed attempt to counteract the aging process.

In fact, as you may recall, I helped former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie shut down Low-T drug abuse in his state a few years ago. It turns out, clueless doctors, like orthopedic and “sports medicine” specialists, had been doling out Low-T drugs like candy to young, healthy men who worked for the police department, fire department, and other public agencies.

But most of the men had never received a medical diagnosis of low testosterone. And worse yet, most of them hadn’t even been tested for it!

Still, the state’s generous, taxpayer-supported health insurance plans had been footing the bill.

No evidence they do what they claim to do

To top it all off, there’s still no decent evidence that Low-T drugs counteract aging or help prevent the symptoms of so-called “male menopause.”

We do know, however, that these drugs actually increase the risks of blood clots, heart disease, stroke, and even prostate cancer—as I’ve been warning you for years. And in 2016, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) even began requiring testosterone product labels warn consumers of a possible increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

For the rare male patient who does have a real testosterone deficiency, associated with a diagnosed medical condition, such as a glandular disorder, the ACP recommends trying injections of testosterone—instead of drugs, patches, or topical preparations. (There may or may not be fewer side effects using this method. But they certainly cost much less…around $150 per year compared to over $2,000 annually for drugs.)

But here again, only men with a confirmed, real, low testosterone problem should ever consider that treatment.

For all the other aging men, there are plenty of safe, science-backed approaches for maintaining your virility and stamina well into your 70s, 80s, and 90s without resorting to harmful Low-T drugs. And you can learn about them in my comprehensive Insiders’ Ultimate Guide to Perfect Prostate Health. This protocol addresses everything you need to know about conquering cancer, banishing an enlarged prostate, and maximizing your manhood—NATURALLY. To learn more about this comprehensive online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now!


“Testosterone Supplements Won’t Help Most Men, Doctors’ Group Says.” Health Day News, 1/6/20. (