The real genetic miracle cure

Yesterday, I talked about how the U.S. government medical complex has essentially ignored the role of genetics in lung cancer for the past 40 years. But I tend not to write regularly about [...]

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The lowly potato saves the day

Last week, I explained how the discovery of “New World” foods by Spanish Conquistadors helped transform nutrition, cuisine, and health throughout Europe. And ultimately in colonial and early [...]

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The science of statin recovery

In my Daily Dispatch articles, I often report on the dangers of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. And last month, I told you about how statins can cause severe nutritional deficiencies, muscle [...]

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U.S. Air Force drops flu shots

I was a cadet in the U.S. Air Force in the early 1970s during the Vietnam War. We learned the mission of the Air Force is “to fly and to fight.” And my branch of the service took the health of [...]

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Your body needs some fats

Last week, I told you about a study that gave us some pretty shocking news about “low-fat” diets. Turns out, men and women with a certain genetic susceptibility who follow low-fat diets increase [...]

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Stimulate your brain

This month, I’ve reported quite a bit on dementia and cognitive dysfunction. So today, let’s consider the healthy aging brain. And what you can do to support your brain as you get older. [...]

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