Congress hands the FDA a pitchfork

Back in 2011, Congress passed the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) into law. Congress claimed the new law would overhaul the country’s food safety system. And, subsequently, prevent outbreaks [...]

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Save yourself from a-salt and battery

Although it should be a settled issue by now, the great “war” against salt continues to rage in 2014. (Probably because the war helps keep a lot of political scientists and science bureaucrats [...]

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Gluten-free isn’t a free pass

A lot of people nowadays swear by their “gluten-free” diets. They say it helped them lose weight and lower their blood pressure. And those results are great. But they probably didn’t get those [...]

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Enjoy those leftover Easter eggs

This Easter Monday, let’s give some credit to the egg. Whether you observed Easter, Passover, Nowruz, or Eid, the egg is a symbol of new life. We associate it with spring and all the traditional [...]

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Are You Getting E-Nough?

In February, scientists who work for a leading vitamin supplier published an article calling for the U.S. to double its Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin E to 30 mg (20.1 IU) per day. [...]

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