People tend to worry about common memory slips—such as misplacing their keys or forgetting the name of an old movie star.
After all, the mainstream does a downright terrible job of screening for REAL memory problems that signal oncoming Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia.
Thankfully, a team of pioneering researchers from Australia recently pinpointed a new “biomarker,” or physical sign, of AD and dementia. And—even if your doctor doesn’t know about it yet, there’s still a lot YOU can do to make sure you NEVER develop it!
So, let’s talk more about it. But first, let’s back up to discuss the old, FLAWED biomarker that the mainstream continues to rely upon…
U.S. doctors still rely heavily on flawed “biomarker” for AD and dementia
As you may recall, last month, I talked a bit about amyloid plaque. The mainstream claims that its presence in the brain is a clear sign (and even the cause) of AD and dementia. But, as I first noted decades ago, their amyloid plaque theory just doesn’t hold up…
In fact, autopsy studies show that 50 percent of people diagnosed with AD and dementia do not have amyloid buildup in the brain. And half of people who do have amyloid in the brain do not have dementia!
Then, just last year, a study published in the prestigious journal Neurology found that amyloid buildup begins AFTER the onset of memory decline.
So, amyloid, at best, seems to be an incidental or inconsequential side effect of aging—in some people. And it’s certainly NOT the cause of dementia.
Fortunately, some pioneering scientists from Australia have moved past amyloid as a predictive or diagnostic tool. It turns out—there’s a much more precise biomarker we can look for. And it relates to blood flow to the brain—something I’m personally convinced is THE KEY to maintaining cognitive function as you get older…
Hidden sign you have a 3x higher dementia risk
This new Australian research involved 414 men and women, with an average age of 80 years, who were living independently. The participants underwent cognitive tests at the start of the study, then every two years over the next eight years. They also had MRI brain scans at the start of the study.
In these scans, the researchers were specifically looking for the presence of “enlarged perivascular spaces” in two areas of the brain. These spaces, which may be filled with fluid, surround small blood vessels in the brain.
At the end of the study period, the researchers compared the top-25 percent of those who had the most enlarged perivascular spaces to those with the fewest or no enlarged spaces.
It turns out, those with the MOST enlarged perivascular spaces were nearly three times more likely to develop dementia compared to those with fewer or no enlarged spaces.
In addition, the men and women with severe enlargement of perivascular spaces in both areas of the brain were also more likely to have greater cognitive decline four years later than people with mild or no enlargement of spaces.
I should also note that enlarged, empty brain spaces (unlike amyloid) aren’t just incidental findings. They occur in places where brain tissue is absent. And since they occur around blood vessels in the brain, one has to wonder if poor blood flow is a contributing factor?
Remember, brain tissue is highly active and requires a constant supply of oxygen, energy, and nutrients. That’s why some studies show that moderately “high” blood pressure, which helps push these vital nutrients to the brain, actually benefits older adults.
We’ve still got a long way to go
Clearly, it may take years before doctors in the U.S. know to look for these enlarged, empty spaces in the brain. But the good news is, you don’t have to wait for doctors in the U.S. to catch up. There are two simple steps you can take, starting today, to improve your circulation and blood flow to your brain…
Step 1: Drink in moderation. Enjoying any type of alcohol in moderation thins the blood and increases peripheral circulation. Plus, a major study found that moderate drinkers are much more likely to live to age 85 without dementia compared to teetotalers! That’s why I often encourage a drink—or two!—with dinner.
Step 2: Keep moving during the week. It makes a lot of sense that getting your heart pumping regularly is the key to improving circulation to your brain. Studies show that engaging in just 140 to 150 minutes of light-to-moderate exercise total per week is the optimal amount for improving your health and longevity. And remember, exercises like walking, swimming, gardening, or housework all count toward your weekly total.
In addition, I encourage you to learn more about the natural, drug-free ways to prevent and even reverse cognitive decline—at any age—by checking out my Complete Alzheimer’s Fighting Protocol.
This innovative learning tool outlines dozens of natural steps and nutritional advice used to prevent and reverse AD—including specific recommendations for supplementing with berberine, folic acid, grape extract, lutein, thiamine, turmeric, and vitamins B6 and B12. To learn more about this comprehensive protocol, or to enroll today, click here now.
“Association of Dilated Perivascular Spaces With Cognitive Decline and Incident Dementia.” Neurology Mar 2021; 96 (11): e1501-e1511.