How being politically correct could give you Type II diabetes

Last week, I told you about a “perfect storm” contributing to today’s Type II diabetes epidemic.

First, the government’s dietary guidelines against saturated fats and cholesterol were all wrong, all along for 40 years. In fact, after 40 years of warning people about the “deadly hazards” of cholesterol and saturated fat, the government finally admitted earlier this year these nutrients are not the culprits behind obesity, Type II diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. So foods like butter, eggs, meat and shellfish are all healthy choices for a balanced diet.

Actual evidence and science supports this premise, as I’ve been reporting for years. But generations of Americans listened to the government’s bad advice for decades. And they struggled to follow its misguided dietary guidelines, which put them at increased risk for developing Type II diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Second, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs greatly increase the risk of developing Type II diabetes, especially when taken for five, 10, or 15 years. And going on a statin drug is generally a “lifetime sentence,” so duration of exposures to this toxic drug are getting even longer all the time. Astoundingly, the academic-industrial-medical complex continues to push these toxic drugs.

Third, new evidence links pesticides to an increased risk of developing Type II diabetes. Using poisons to grow our foods was always a bad idea in terms of nutrient composition and quality. Plus, now we know pesticides contribute directly to Type II diabetes, probably because they cause metabolic disruptions.

Now, according to new research, a fourth major factor also contributes to the Type II diabetes epidemic: marijuana.

The dangerous effect of “high” blood sugar: Pot increases pre-diabetes risk by as much as 65 percent

Of course, the politically correct crowd continues to claim marijuana is “harmless.”

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Meanwhile, they continue to beat up on any and all consumption of tobacco, despite evidence that light–to-moderate tobacco use may actually have some health benefits. And it looks like they’re also gearing up for a new, misguided campaign against any consumption of alcohol. [insert hyperlink to: 11/5 DD] But consistency, facts, logic, and reason were never a strong feature of political correctness.

Politically correct or not, we now have some solid, ironclad science on marijuana and Type II diabetes.

The new study looked at young adults who were current users, users who smoked 100 times or more in the past, and never users.

They found young adults who smoked marijuana more than 100 times in total were 40 percent more likely to develop pre-diabetes by the time they reach middle age compared to those who never smoked it. And current users were 65 percent more likely to develop pre-diabetes than never users.

The researchers based these startling findings on an analysis of data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA). The data followed more than 3,000 people when they were an average of 32 years old and then again when they were an average of 50 years old.

So how do we explain these findings?

The downward spiral of marijuana side effects — from the “munchies” to serious addiction

Many experts believe marijuana negatively affects metabolism. Of course, it seems to have a peculiar effect on tastes and cravings for foods, especially sugars. And previous studies link greater marijuana use with excess calorie consumption. So it could help explain why users tend to head down the path to Type II diabetes.

Of course, the authors of the new study quickly pointed out pre-diabetes is not the same as full-blown Type II diabetes. But everybody understands pre-diabetes in mid-life (if you don’t cut sugars and carbs, lose weight, and get light-to-moderate exercise) is the big predictor of full-blown diabetes in later life. Participants in this study had simply not yet reached older ages where full-blown Type II diabetes is typical.

Furthermore, research shows marijuana users are more likely to use other illicit drugs, which cause serious heart problems. For example, many heavy marijuana users reported using other illicit drugs more than 10 times. Thirty four percent reported using crack cocaine more than 10 times; 40 percent reported using other kinds of cocaine more than 10 times; 30 percent reported using amphetamines; and six percent reported using heroin.

Of course, no one in the politically correct camp will admit marijuana is a “gateway” drug that leads people to use even more dangerous drugs. But, clearly, it is, and always has been.

Plus, as I’ve said before, marijuana is a health problem in other ways too…

The deadly hazards of legalizing marijuana: car accidents, heart disease, diabetes, and more

First, the number of drug-related vehicular fatalities now exceeds those caused by alcohol intoxication. And marijuana is the No. 1 drug used by people who still go ahead and get behind the wheel, hands down. This data comes from early statistics from “liberal use” states like Colorado. I predicted this scenario would happen as soon as medical marijuana became legal in these early states.

Second, strong research links marijuana with several chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease, and mental disorders.

Third, the study didn’t even consider the possibility that marijuana is contaminated with pesticides, now shown as yet another cause of Type II diabetes (see above). But it’s a strong possibility, since there are no regulations regarding marijuana plant cultivation — for better or worse.

Overall, this study linked marijuana use in young adulthood with pre-diabetes at age 50. And pre-diabetes at age 50 will lead right into full-blown diabetes at age 60 and beyond.

While it’s too late to make up for all youthful indiscretions, you can take control of your health habits now.

Cut sugars and carbs from your diet. Eat more fish, fruits, nuts and vegetables. And get some regular exercise to drop excess pounds. Also–taking a daily B vitamin complex and 10,000 IU daily of vitamin D will help you reach optimal nutrition and help prevent you from becoming the next victim in the Type II diabetes epidemic.


  1. “Marijuana use and risk of pre-diabetes and diabetes by middle adulthood: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study,” Diabetologia ( 9/13/2015