Why we’re NOT “winning the war on cancer”

Americans have been told for decades that in this country, we’re “winning the war on cancer.” But when it comes to fighting this disease, a new study found that industrialized nations like the U.S. are actually progressing far less than countries with fewer modern medical and technological advancements.

I’ll tell you all about that eye-opening study in a moment, but first, let’s back up and look at another reason why I don’t buy into the mainstream’s crooked optimism when it comes to “curing” cancer…

“Fake cancers” inflate treatment numbers

When I worked at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the mid-1980s, real biostatisticians were seriously questioning the numbers being reported to Congress by political scientists.

I also came to learn that doctors were detecting more and more “fake” cancers of the breast, prostate, and thyroid, among others, through increasingly aggressive, but largely useless, screening programs.

This over-diagnosis problem artificially inflated cancer incidence figures. So, when comparing higher incidence numbers to lower mortality rates, it made it seem like fewer people with “cancer” were dying of it… and that we were winning the so-called “war.”

But the thing is, these patients would never have died from their conditions in the first place. In fact, many experts are now saying these non-aggressive, benign cases shouldn’t even be labeled as “cancerous.”

And just last month, another study came out confirming my views about the over-diagnosis problem and the dangers these “fake” cancers pose in “modern,” industrialized nations.

Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide

The new study tracked estimates of incidence and mortality for 36 different types of cancer in 185 countries.

Let’s look first at incidence…

As you can see, 48.4 percent of the cancer cases in the world occur in Asia.

Not what you expected?

Well, now, look closer at the “percentage of world population” column.

As you can see, 60 percent of the world’s population resides in Asia. So, while 48.4 percent of cancer cases happen in Asia, their proportion of the world’s population is almost 12 percent higher.

Which means other parts of the world are actually more at risk of getting cancer.

Just look at Europe…

They have 9 percent of the world’s population — but a whopping 23.4 percent of the world’s cancer cases and 20.3 percent of the world’s cancer deaths!

Clearly, cancer risk is a much bigger problem, relatively speaking, in Europe. Which is interesting considering “western” countries like Europe typically have more screenings and intensive medical care than other parts of the world.

And this country follows a similar pattern. (I want to note that this study didn’t provide data specifically for the U.S. or North America. Instead, the study’s authors lumped us in with a composite statistic for “the Americas.” How’s that for precision?)

In any case, the Americas follow a pattern similar to Europe, accounting for just 13.3 percent of the global population. But we have a much higher incidence rate — at 21 percent of the world’s total cancer cases — and 14.4 percent of the world’s cancer deaths.

Again, it’s clear that cancer risk is a much bigger problem, proportionally, in the Americas than in Asia.

Plus, the data we see in Europe and the Americas helps perpetuate the myth that I mentioned earlier…that we’re somehow “winning” the war on cancer.

I can almost hear the political scientists weaving their web to Congress…

Okay, so the incidence rate IS high, but just look at how low the mortality rate is! We’re winning the war on cancer…give us more money!”

And let’s not forget — the incidence rate is inflated in industrialized nations like the U.S. and Europe due to the increase in screening programs, over-diagnosis of “fake cancers,” and intensive medical treatments.

By comparison…

In Asia and Africa, the death rates are much higher than the incidence rates. And the researchers say it’s because of the distribution of cancer types and higher case fatality rates. But I would also suggest it’s because they’re not “cooking” the data like we are in the West with “fake” cancers.

This study also included some other statistics, which further illustrate how industrialized nations are not faring well in comparison to “less advanced” countries…

For instance, among men, cancer rates were about six times higher in Australia and New Zealand than in West Africa.

Plus, cancer deaths were significantly higher in Eastern Europe than other less “modern” parts of the world. For example, statistics show 67 cancer deaths per 100,000 in Central America, as opposed to a whopping 171 cancer deaths per 100,000 in Eastern Europe.

In the spotlight for lung cancer

Oddly, this report neglected to focus on cancer statistics from North America specifically, until it came time to look at lung cancer.

For both men and women, lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer worldwide (12 percent of all cases). It’s also the leading cause of cancer deaths (18 percent) for both men and women in all 185 countries.

And North America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, and China had the highest incidence rates for lung cancer.

How ironic is that?!

These regions, with the exception of China, are the same places subjected to increasingly intensive and drastic measures for smoking cessation and prevention. But they also have the highest incidence of lung cancer and death rates!

Clearly, the government’s single-minded focus on smoking cessation as the be-all, end-all solution to lung cancer (and lung diseases in general) is NOT working.

Plus, younger women, who’ve been subjected to non-smoking laws throughout their entire lives, actually have higher rates of lung cancer than men! Additionally, the study researchers found it “intriguing” that a fair amount of these lung cancers are unrelated to smoking.

They also said smoking doesn’t seem to be the likely cause of lung cancer in women.

Plus, the vast majority of people diagnosed with new cases of lung cancer are never-smokers or quit smoking long ago (especially among women). So clearly, something more is going on. And smoking tobacco isn’t the whole story it’s made out to be.

Mainstream medicine creating more problems than it solves

Whether it’s lung, breast, prostate, or any other type of cancer, one fact remains: Despite the supposed “improvements” in screenings, detection, and treatments, the risk of getting cancer and dying from it is much higher in western countries than in the rest of the world.

It’s also clear that western medicine still doesn’t recognize the real risk factors for cancer, and the real ways to prevent it.

In my view, the numbers speak for themselves. And the “modern” world does no better, and in fact worse, than “less-advanced” parts of the world when it comes to cancer.

The answers are there when you know where to look

This study may be the scariest thing you’ll see all month, even with Halloween right around the corner. But, of course, the fact that you’re reading this Daily Dispatch means you can handle the real science.

And the good news is…

You can learn about the real answers for cancer that have been hiding in plain sight all along.

In fact, there are dozens of safe, natural alternatives for preventing, detecting, AND treating cancer. And I’ve outlined them all in detail in my groundbreaking online learning tool, my Authentic Anti-Cancer Protocol.

This all-inclusive protocol is the sum total of more than 40 years of personal research, study, and experience in natural cancer treatment. And every solution you’ll hear about has been studied and researched by countless, cutting-edge medical institutions.

My hope is that this Authentic Anti-Cancer Protocol helps melt away the anxiety surrounding cancer screening and treatment by finally giving you all the information you need to assess your risk and understand the many options available to you.

You can learn more about my Authentic Anti-Cancer Protocol or enroll today by clicking here.


“Global cancer statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries,” CA Cancer J Clin (onlinelibrary.wiley.com) 9/12/2018