This simple vitamin could help put oncologists out of business

Vitamin D is one of the absolute best supplements you can take year-round to support your health and longevity. Indeed, massive amounts of research over the last decade link higher vitamin D blood levels with lower risks of depression, Type II diabetes, heart disease…and even cancer!  

In fact, a brandnew study published in JAMA just found that men and women who supplement with vitamin D are far less likely to die from cancer (or develop an aggressive, metastatic form that spreads throughout the body).  

In my view, the study’s results are so stunning, every doctor and oncologist in the country should recommend taking this key vitamin. But, of course, that would significantly reduce the volume of customers walking through their doors.  

Well, I’m here to say that you need not wait to hear about this groundbreaking research to hit the mainstreamI’ll explain the details in just a moment.  

But first, let’s back up to talk about why most people don’t get enough of this critical nutrient in the first place 

Four main reasons why vitamin D deficiency is so common 

Unfortunately, a majority of Americans—nearly 80 percent, to be exact—simply don’t get enough vitamin D. And, as I recently explained, there are four main reasons why… 

1.) Fears about the sun. Spending more time in the direct sun, without sunscreen, is the single, best way to quickly, naturally, and efficiently boost your vitamin D blood levels. That’s because exposure to strong sunlight actually “triggers” your skin’s own natural production of vitamin D. But dermatologists’ misguided advice over the past several decades has made people fear the sun. (Hence, why so many people slather on useless, toxic sunscreens any time they go out in it.)  

2.) Not enough fat in your diet. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it requires fats in the diet in order to be absorbed properly. So, following aunhealthy, “low-fat” diet can, in addition to all its other problems, inhibit your absorption of this critical nutrienteven if you do take it daily as a supplement. Importantly, this means that vitamin D3 supplements must also contain some healthy fats so you can properly absorb the nutrient.  

3.) Unrecognized signs of deficiency. The signs of a vitamin D deficiency can be very subtle at first. And the only way to really know if you’re deficient is by taking a blood test twice a year. (I’ll tell you more about that test in just a moment.) 

In the meantime, look out for the following common symptoms of deficiency: Fatigue and lethargygetting sick often, especially with colds or the flu; hair loss; low mood; lower back pain; muscle painand slow healing wounds. 

4.) Problems with supplement dosing. Even if you do take a vitamin D supplement, chances are, the dose you take isn’t high enough to achieve optimal blood levels. 

For example, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is just 15 mcg, that’s micrograms (or 600 IU) for adults and 20 mcg (800 IU) for adults 70 years and olderSo, many of the mass-produced, low-quality supplements sold in retail stores and online only contain that paltry, inadequate amount. 

But studies show you need much higher doses to properly impact your blood levels of this critical nutrient. That’s why I recommend supplementing with 250 mcg (10,000 IU) of vitamin D daily, year-round.  

Of course, I’ve come to realize that the crony, mainstream, medical system wants you to believe that 250 mcg (10,000 IU) per day is a “high” level…when it’s actually a tiny amount…to steer you away from sensible, natural solutions for health and healing.  

And that point brings me back to the new study I mentioned at the beginning of this Dispatch 

Even low doses of vitamin D thwart the spread of cancer 

The new analysis was a follow-up to the ongoing VITAL Study assessing the impact of vitamin D supplementation on cancer, heart disease, and stroke risk in nearly 26,000 healthy men and women. 

At the study’s outset, the researchers randomly divided the participants into two groups. The first group took 50 mcg (2,000 IU) daily of vitamin D3 (which is higher than the mainstream recommendation, but still far lower than the optimal daily dose of 10,000 IU [250 mcg], as I just mentioned). The second group took a placebo daily.  

Then, the researchers followed the men and women for five years… 

It turns out, about 6 percent of the participants developed cancermost commonly in the breast, lungs, or prostate, as typical of the general population. 

And when looking at the differences in cancer between the two groups, researchers found the following: 

  • In the vitamin D group, 1.7 percent of people died from cancer or developed metastatic cancer (which spread beyond the original site). 
  • In the placebo group, 2.1 percent of people died from cancer or developed metastatic cancer. 

When I interpret that data, I’m finding that the vitamin D group had a 25 percent lower risk of dying from cancer or developing aggressive, metastatic cancer that spreads. 

In addition, when the vitamin D group maintained a healthy weight, their outcomes improved even more…and they lowered their risk of dying or developing metastatic cancer by an impressive 38 percent(Even overweight participants who took vitamin D lowered their risk of developing a deadly cancer by a not-too-shabby 11 percent.) 

Overall, these are exceptionally impressive findings. And they’re particularly impressive when you consider the paltry dose of vitamin D the participants took. Imagine the results had they taken an optimal daily dose of 250 mcg (10,000 IU)!   

In fact, in my view, every doctor in the land should make sure their patients supplement with vitamin D! And doctors are already doing that in Germany, where they know a thing or two about modern medical science—as I will report in an upcoming Daily Dispatch. 

Four tips to boost your vitamin D levels year-round 

Maintaining optimal vitamin D levels is the No. 1 thing you can do to improve your health and longevity. After all, optimal levels protect you against cancer and any number of chronic diseases…even coronavirus!  

So, here are four tips to make sure you maintain optimal vitamin D levels year-round:  

  • Ask your doctor to check your vitamin D levels twice a year—once toward the end of winter and again toward the end of summer. Just ask for a simple blood test called the 25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25(OH)D test. (Optimal blood levels range between 50 and 75 ng/L.) 
  • Spend 15 minutes a day out in the sun, without sunscreenAt this time of year, in most parts of the U.S., the sun is getting strong enough to trigger vitamin D production in your skin—you will still reap many other benefits from this daily sun exposure in Nature, like reduced stress and lower blood pressure. Just remember to expose as much skin as possible for 15 minutes—and then turn to protective clothing to cover your skin, rather than reaching for toxic sunscreens. 
  • Eat plenty of foods high in vitamin D. Including fatty fish, like salmon and sardines, eggs, full-fat dairy, and mushrooms. Fortunately, these foods all belong to the healthy, wholesome Mediterranean-type diet. 
  • The latest science shows that people don’t get enough vitamin D from diet and sun exposure aloneSo—supplementing daily and year-round is a mustThat’s why I recommend supplementing with 250 mcg (10,000 IU) of vitamin D daily. (You can now find it in liquid form together with the potent marine carotenoid astaxanthin. Simply use the top right search bar on my website to learn more about these two powerful compounds.) 

At the end of the day, vitamin D3 is hands-down one of the most important supplements you can takeAndif you could take only one supplement from here on out, this would absolutely be the one to choose. 

Of course, in addition to supplementing with vitamin D, you have dozens of other safe, natural alternatives to help prevent, detect, AND treat cancer. I’ve outlined them all in detail in my groundbreaking online learning tool, my Authentic Anti-Cancer Protocol.  

This all-inclusive protocol is the sum total of more than 40 years of personal research, study, and experience in natural cancer treatment. And every solution you’ll hear about has been studied and researched by countless, cutting-edge medical institutions. To learn more, or to enroll today,click here now!  

P.S. Tune back in tomorrow as I report on natural approaches for preventing colon cancer… 


“Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplements on Development of Advanced Cancer: A Secondary Analysis of the VITAL Randomized Clinical Trial.” JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(11):e2025850.